The Word of God in Romania 2006.07.02 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 7

2006.07.02. to the Jews the things that were about to happen to Me and with them because of their unbelief, they spoke about Me: «He has got a demon», and they were saying: «He blasphemes. What any other proof do we need against Him?» (See also Luke 22:71) Behold, My people, it hasn't been well understood the work for the protection of My work, that for the protection of those who are My anointed ones and around whom I, the Lord, have sat down with the spirit of the revelation, a spirit served by the angels, to protect them from the spirit of the man, from the hidings in man, which try to make them weak and guilty for those which are hidden in man, for the man who is not reconciled to God by the working spirit, which comes from God, in such a way that I may have them as Mine, that is, the servants of the holy altar and clean from all the evils, hidings and haughtiness in man and around man. I spoke for those to whom I show their unknown things from man, I said that where there are not people through whom I am led to this people of My word by the spirit of the revelation, where they are not, then everything is devoid of God, and it is not beautiful the place where they cannot set the man over the man and for the man and for My places with this people. Moses was established by God in God’s place over Israel, and Aaron was a priest from God, but when Aaron worked without Moses, then he went wrong, and Israel went wrong too, separating itself from God for pleasures, for a life without watching over Israel. I am the One who stand by My anointed ones, if they stand by Me through the spirit of revelation. I am the One who protects them from the evil things in man and I show them what it is to be done with each and every situation, for My life in the Christian. He, who is in My image and after My likeness, is the one who does not leave off My will for the sake of his will. Behold, the wisdom of the salvation is the teaching by which I, the Lord, have sat down today, over My people that has been exhorted by the spirit of the revelation. I, the Lord, cry bitterly, because the man does not know what God means. Amen, amen, amen. 02-07-2006 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 7