2006.07.02 .
watch near you and near your dwelling places with Me , for the time is hard , sons , and the sky is full and all the roads are full of evil spirits , sorcery and witchcraft , because of the spirit of envy , for the one who serves the spirit of the world , that one is an evil vessel , in which the spirit of the world pours out all its impurities , and the world has not got another work day and night , but it has only the work of evil spirit , and I can hardly overcome for you in order to protect you , and I cry when I see you on the roads of the world and through the world when I want you within Me .
Oh , sons , above any of your occupations , above anything you may have beautiful in you , love the flowers and the greenery and their purity , for the heaven is the place of purity and of the entire beauty , so that the angels may dwell with you among the shadows of sweet smelling trees , because all these are for the heaven , not for the body ’ s necessities , but rather for the heaven and for the spirit , sons , and I tell you again that it is one thing for the man to adorn his garden and his little house for himself and for his body , and it is another thing to do this for his Lord . Oh , do not become dirty when you do your work , and do any work that does not defile you . Oh , sons , I had always exhorted you and I still exhort you to have life in you , and to keep it so that you may have it , but for this miracle you have to listen to God and to work Him within you as your Master , and you should receive His order among you from Him , for otherwise you will not understand Him and you will not have the Lord . The spirit of the revelation is the one that can help you , that which can save you from your guilt and from its consequences , and a Christian with true love knows to wait and to receive the Lord upon him and to protect his life under My mantle , for the time is hard and it becomes harder and harder , and I teach the one who has eaten at My table , so that every man may take from it the teaching of life , when I have someone to put it on . Among those in the world there is no longer a man with the spirit of the revelation from God , for all people are haughty for themselves and there is no longer any spiritual man among men . The spiritual man is that one who has the spirit of revelation and that one has a humble opinion about himself and for himself , and in the churches from the world , the man does not find any spiritual man over man ’ s life departed from God . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .) Oh , there is no one to reconcile the man to God , and God to the man who is wrong and astray within himself and within his self-haughtiness . Oh , there is no longer any man poor in his spirit , a man with a humble and very beautiful spirit through this beautiful spirit . In the churches from the world , the man can no longer find the way , for the worldly priest is not a confessor , even if he has received this calling from another one . The priests are not confessors , for the confessor is the one who has the Spirit of the Lord , the angel of the Lord , that tells him all the things from man and the things from the Lord for the man , as I spoke to the Samaritan woman about the secret things of her life , and then she went in her city and said : « Come and see a man who told me everything that I did ». ( John 4:29 ) If she had a haughty spirit , it would have been hiding in her , but the One in front of her , Who was speaking to her , filled her with the things from God , with the spirit of humility , and then she came for healing and not for hiding as Adam did , who hid from God in heaven and then blamed Him , and thus Adam lost God .
The Spirit of revelation works on the earth by the intercession of the angels , and he who cannot be told the things discovered by the angels , that one is flesh and blood and does not receive the spirit of revelations , the spirit of correction and then the spirit of his illumination and salvation , the spirit of the confessor , and behold , not all of them perceive this mystery of the revelation of the spirit , but only those to whom the Lord wants to reveal and then to receive by the spirit of revelation , the same as the law came on the earth by the intercession of the angels .