2006.07.02 .
the wisdom of salvation and its work in man . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ This word is the river of life ”, r . n .)
Oh , people of My word , o sons who are taught from heaven ! I have always , always told you : pass from your body into spirit so that you may be able to overcome during the hard times , as the saints worked , and who pray from those in heaven to Me and ask Me to fulfill the Scripture of the revelation of God ’ s sons ; and you from the earth , you tell Me that it is because of the prayers of the saints and of the fathers that I should save you , and this is how you answer to each other , you answer them and they answer you by the prayer for the fulfillment in this way , for they cannot take away their crown of greatness unless the last ones will appear for them for the cleansing and for the forgiveness of all creature , which was and which is . I told you that it may have no longer been heard through the ages such faith like yours , the working faith for the fulfilling of all the Scriptures , within the entire obedience for My coming with the saints , who , together with the whole creation sigh and pray unspeakably , waiting for the revelations of the last sons of God . Oh , comfort their sigh , sons ! Oh , pass from body into spirit more and more and with every passing day , and ask from Me to give you the wisdom of salvation and its stature in you and its work in you , for you do not need to be like the people on the earth , but you should rather be like God ’ s sons among the people , and you should stand by Me , and that I may be able to stand by you , as this work has to be done with hard work and in great obedience . Learn this work from the saints who have come out of the world to listen then to God through God ’ s people and not from themselves . Learn from Me , the One Who came into the world as Man from man in order to listen to the Father in submission . Learn , sons , for long ago I spoke by My descent that there was school and there were students but there was no wisdom . Behold , one needs wisdom and love for it , for without this wisdom of salvation , the man cannot be with God and he cannot be protected by God , and then the man becomes haughty and falls down . I have always longed after My teaching over you , and I want you to receive from My mouth , for it is very hard for the man to receive from man , even from those who are loved by the Lord on the earth . The man needs the man ’ s wisdom of life to be able to receive from man for Me , and then to listen to Me , for without ongoing teaching , the man has not got the capacity to know , because the man ’ s mind does not know anything else but to separate himself from God for his own mind , and the man has been doing this damage upon him for seven thousand years .
Oh , sons , oh , sons , oh , sons protected by My word , which teaches you not to perish by yourselves ! You shall not seek to become haughty for yourselves . You shall not laugh in your mind , in your heart and in your face , but you should also not be pale lest you may become weak to one another , sons , and this is how I have greatly been teaching you . You should long only for the Lord , and let your smile be only from God . Learn to speak in a heavenly way to each other , but do this only after you learn how to think beautifully and how to have a beautiful stature for angels , not for you and not for people , sons , because the people make Me weak in you if you want to seek after them or if they try to seek after you . Oh , there is no longer any time to lose . Oh , sons , do no longer speak at random , do no longer keep silent at random , do no longer work at random , and do no longer stay without work , for the spirit of testimony among brothers before the heaven , this spirit has been waiting for you , and if you do not have greatness of spirit , the spirit of revelations , then do no longer stay among people , for you do not know how to get out of the traps alone . Grow less and stay within God , so that the people may not suck My life that is in you and your life with Me . Start everything from the beginning , you , those who are not satisfied , so that you may be then Christians in everything , both inside and