The Word of God in Romania 2006.04.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 3
Lord for the new birth of the world. Stay awake within your spirit and love, people of the sac-
rifice pleased to the Lord, and do not forget that you should not love yourself, but only God,
Who is your life, as well as He is the life of His saints. Let sweet words be brought forth in you
from one another, and may the work of peace exceed everything you work. Let the humility of
the heart make room in you to the Spirit of the Lord, for the Spirit of the Lord does not wound,
does not seek after His things, sons, but He seeks after those of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
for this is how the Lord has always been among those that are loved by Him.
It hurts me when I see wounds among you from the words that are not well weighed
down. Let only the word of the comfort be with you, for your greatness is from the Lord, but be
gentle and humble in your heart like my Son, for He this is how He taught you and this is how
He teaches you. Amen, amen, amen.
– Oh, teaching mother by the love within you! I have been teaching My sons in the same
way. I have always been looking at them and among them and I want them to get used to Me
among them in all their works, mother.
Oh, children of the new worked vine. Take care of God, and God will take care of you
as well. Get used to the Spirit of the Lord in your thought and deed. Lift up to heaven with
every passing day, more and more, this kind of life and love. If you hurt each other, I cry, sons,
I cry among you, and I cry within the one that is hurt. I also want you to rejoice. Give Me to
each other and make Me glad. Amen.
I speak out a blessing with power in it, with the power of Holy Spirit for new powers
over those who take care of the being of the book of My word over fifty years so that I may
reveal My glory over the earth and over the man’s heart. (See the selection topic: „About the
Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) I have been working over five thousand years
through those who have served Me on the earth to let the man know that I will come, and I have
come and given life to the man. This is what I have also been doing now, for the word of life
becomes book and it is shared far and wide, spreading the news about Me that I have given the
good news about My kingdom over the man.
I want you to have much and heavenly love at work into your midst, people of the graces
of the Holy Spirit, and to give food from it to those under burden, for the burden of My coming
is very heavy and I ask you to believe this and to comfort Me under your burden, sons.
Behold, I stay into your midst with a feast of the annunciation, My people. All the birds
of the heaven sing to God and pray for the entire creature and they settle down on earth to bless
the man with the blessing of the heavenly mysteries in which they live and stay. You should
also sing, Jerusalem, for all the birds sing. Sing, son, and you will be like the birds of the sky.
Gather your food as they gather theirs on the earth and in the sky, and from heart to heart to be
able to give glory to the Lord, from branch to branch, from sprig to sprig, to be obedient in life
and to grow out of it and like it, My people. My kingdom in your midst is not seen well now,
but it will be seen well, and many birds will sing in it, and many flocks will be watered from
its springs, only that you may be able to work and live on earth as in heaven, people of the
coming of the Lord in the end of the time.