The Word of God in Romania 2006.02.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday in reme | Seite 2

2006.02.26 .
the coming of the Son of Man , and always to be prepared like the wise virgins before the coming of the Bridegroom and of His wedding with you before all the nations .
The table of My word into your midst has with it saints and angels , for I do not walk alone , and I walk beautifully into your midst instead , My people ! I look at those who stay in My way , how sweetly , how lively , how warmly and how beautifully they do teach you how to walk before Me , if I walk so beautifully into your midst , and within such great heavenly people , always , always in you and at My table with you , the table of the wedding of the Son of God , My people . Oh , what would you really do , what would you really be if I opened to you from time to time for your big eyes for this heavenly view of My beautiful walking into your midst with a lot of heavenly people of saints and angels , with the heavenly Jerusalem , which paid for its citizenship , as long as it was in its body on the earth working much for a place near Me in heaven ?; A place prepared by Me after I went to be with the Father , so that where I was , to be with Me those who were Mine , those who have chosen for Me and which are written into the Book of the Lamb ’ s Life by their works , which accompany them adorning My table . ( See the selection topic : „ About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life ”, r . n .)
Oh , My people , the day of the fearful judgment is remembered on this day . However , for whom will it be fearful ? It will be so for those who will punish themselves from their own works that they piled up against them , and the righteous and the saints will be rewarded for those that are gathered on the table of My wedding as wedding adornments , for the works of the saints come after them , as it is written . Oh , everything is eternal , sons , for I Myself said : « The unfaithful and the wicked will go to eternal damnation , and the righteous will go to eternal life ». ( See the selection topic : „ The fearful judgment ”, r . n .)
My people , the man who is rich in the earthly things does not know , poor of him , he does not know how to gather for himself in heaven , when he seeks to gather this way . He does not know which way the works of his goodness reach to the Lord . He does not know of those who are My little ones on the earth . Those who are Mine are those who serve Me and not themselves , and they are those who serve the rich people and the wise people of the earth so that these may see the way of the kingdom of the heavens and to see Me with those who are My little ones on the earth in the midst of the nations on it , waiting for the rich people to come at My table and to walk in My commandments so that I may be able to remember them among those on My right side into My kingdom . However , now I have called them again and I have told them about the fearful judgment .
Oh , sons of men ! You , who are rich and wise in the earthly things ! Only those who know how to turn from goats into sheep , only those can find those who are My little ones , visiting them then in their hardships for My Gospel , which is preached by them from margins to margins , so that I may be able to come then , and that no one may be able to say that he did not know that I would come or that I did not come and I did not knock everywhere to be opened for Me and to come in and dine with those who receive the gift of the faith in the coming of the Son of Man in His glory , and all the saints and angels sitting with Him , sitting on the throne of His glory and bringing all the nations together before Him , in such a way that no one may say that he did not know about the coming of the Bridegroom at the bride and about His table to which all have been invited , all the nations of the earth . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb ”, r . n .)
Oh , sons of men ! Everything you love and live , everything is emptiness and chasing after the wind , as it is written , but My kingdom is eternal and you do not know the way to it .