The Word of God in Romania 2005.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the C | Page 2

2005.12.04 .
powers , but at least let them not be worn out , let the powers not be crushed , but rather multiplied to them , dear Son . I exhort Your people to days of feast and watchfulness and to growth , for great powers are needed from now on , because the time is harder and harder , and the sons of Your people have to learn to be able to stand against the wicked things on earth , which the evil spirit always wants to strengthen them , that they may not perish , but to weaken the man and to bring him always to a state of carelessness , to idleness , and even to make Your children not working with You , Son Lord .
Oh , people on whom God has been merciful , you should give up just like that , but you should rather take great care not to give up and live as on earth . You have so much teaching from heaven upon you , but do not remove it from on you , people of the teaching from heaven . Oh , do not increase your answer at the question of the fulfilling of God ’ s word , but rather fulfill it , son , because you will be asked about its fruit in you . Take care to listen to the Lord . Do not give up to disobedience , as for obedience you need love worked from you and no other kind of love .
Oh , sons , humble yourselves before the others and appreciate the fact that you stay together . Be passionate friends and be brothers , because there is no greater richness than the brothers that you have got . The man starts to appreciate a friend only after he has lost him , and he suffers from his emptiness . Appreciate one another , one for another . Give value to your brother for you , not for him , son . Give him your hand , when this one asks it from you and make him give his hand too , so that the Lord may see you hand in hand when He comes to you to give you food , and so that He may see its fruit at you .
Love the truth , sons , and be careful with what the Lord and my Son have said about the truth : « He who works out the truth comes to light , and his works will be shown that they are made perfect in God ». Oh , this is what makes the brotherhood among those who are born from above . You have been taught from heaven and that is why I have been exhorting you not to take revenge , but rather to be loving and wise , forgetting and warm , not waiting something more from the other , but asking more from yourselves . Oh , do not stay with you in you , but give yourselves to the Lord and to one another , so that you may be light and love-hearted and that the Lord may be warm at you . Help each other in your well doing for the Lord , sons , to be able to love the light , because the Lord said that those who do evil things hate the light and do not come to the light . Oh , he who does not bring his soul into the light , remains within wicked things and does not come to healing , because he does not come to light , but he flees from it instead . However , you are taught by God and know all things , and you give answers for everything ; about the way you fulfill all things , first of all in you , and then one upon the others , and that is why I exhort you : fulfill the Lord , sons . I was full of worry day and night for the fulfilling of the Lord in me , and the Lord took me in Himself even since I was a child and He gave me to listen to Him , to love Him , to wait for Him , to give Him birth and to follow Him on earth as in heaven , because I was the one prophesied about to be His Mother . However , you should work more , because nothing is given for free , but there has to be measure for measure , love for love ; but do learn and learn again , and always learn to do whatever means God and learn how to love Him . Learn from one another and teach one another , sons .
Oh , behold what exhortation I give you : read the word of the Lord , because you have much word , and then confess it to one another strengthening yourselves with it . Ask to receive work at the reading of the word , to teach yourselves to know well and every moment the word of the Lord , because you cannot fulfill it otherwise , sons , but you forget it instead , and then you