The Word of God in Romania 2005.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the h | Page 5
power for their salvation and comfort from the Lord. Behold, this little soul that has been crying
wants you to set before him the mercy and the love that you have got, because he is deeply
wounded for all the pains he brought to you in his unrest from you in the time of his living on
earth, because you walked in the way of this word according to the Lord’s will, and although
he knew this, he did not do it, and he always was restless and brought you anxiety. He keep
asking me, behold, he asks me to tell you that he stays fearfully, looking at you with sighing,
because the Lord has enabled him to see the armor that you have taken upon you, and he has
been sighing bitterly because he did not know this, because he served the spirit of the pride and
of haughtiness, and he lived on earth in opposition to you in your way with the Lord, after the
Lord made you His servants. He is comforted and refreshed if he can let you know that he is
sighing with remorse for the wounds, which he had always done to you, as one without
knowledge, without faith and without fear of God. I am the one who tells you about those who
sigh in him, because he is not able to pass now. He is sorry because he struck you, because he
threatened you, that he hated and followed you to fill you with pains and threats as one without
any fear. He suffers without any comfort because he crushed you as many times as he was able
do this, and now he sees what God has got for you, what kind of love there is among those in
heaven for you, what service you bring to the heaven, and the heaven to you, what a wonderful
work among those in heaven and among you, and he sees this now and he is filled with mourning
and remorse. He has been looking at you with tears all the day of the feast of today. I have come
to help him and then he has looked and sighed and cried to me to help him by making his wound
known to you. He is ashamed before the angels because he was full of pride on earth, and his
human mind has put him to shame now, because with the Lord these do not have any value.
What it is of value for people, it is without any kind of value with God and with angels. Now he
is asking you to take his side and to give everything you could offer him on earth, if he had been
able to remain small before this work of feast and comfort of those who have loved it for its
heavenly glory among people. He is looking at you now, at your goodness and mercy, and he
has taken courage because you are merciful. He is asking for your help, because you are great
with the Lord. He is asking you to be his help for the comforting of the pain of his spirit without
reconciliation in sighing, because he does no longer has anyone; neither mother, nor father,
nor sister, nor brother, nor fami ly, nor friends, that they may help him. He is crying to you, and
I give you this news on earth as an example over all and for all those who still do not value this
great work of the Lord with you on earth among people. Release his spirit from his pain, be-
cause all the evil, which he brought about to you by his wickedness without his being able to
know about the grace you have from the Lord, has been pressing hard on him. Now he is looking
only after you, because he persecuted you on earth, he blasphemed you, he made you suffer, he
threatened you, and in the end of the time of his body, with even greater haughtiness he struck
in you and in the Lord’s people, blowing storm and threatening upon you by his arrogant pride,
nourished by the spirit of opposition. He is refreshed now because he can show his repentance
and because the work of this word is such a great miracle. He is asking you with uncomfortable
sigh to give him power of comfort, to wipe out from before the Lord his shame and his pain,
with your little sweet and affectionate little hearts for every soul, lost from the way with glory
of the Lord on earth. I will tell him, and he will receive the refreshment, the peace and the
comfort, because he is very, very anxious, children sons, when he sees you before the Lord
opening yourselves to Him to grow you and to grow His people and to teach it and protect it
and to glorify it with His heavenly glory. I give this little crushed soul, I give him from you all
that he wants you to give, and may the Lord judge with mercy his fate and may He give him
from the fullness of His mercy, children sons.