The Word of God in Romania 2005.09.11 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 4

2005.09.11 .
My mystery with My disciples , My people . Amen , amen , amen . ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility ”, r . n .)
Oh , My people , how beautiful are the man and his place where he can have room and live My godly teaching ! Oh , My people , the world always crucifies Me and nowhere else can I have room and I can no longer live , because the world separates completely the man from God , and the man does not feel this death , if he stays in the midst of the world , if he is not clothed with the Holy Spirit , through this world of the man ’ s darkness .
The people that I godly taught did not believe this ; it did not believe because it cannot serve both God and Mammon , because he will lose one if he does so , but the man himself gets lost , because the man gets lost in himself and he gets lost in his mind , because he does not learn from Me for real what the work of the Holy Spirit does in man , compared with the work of the man ’ s spirit , who believes God and loves God as he knows from his own spirit . John , My baptizer , did not take of his spirit , of his mind , and he took from Me , and he gave to his disciples , and behold , he teaches you today the mystery of the angelic spirit , the spirit which humbles , which grows less when I grow more in man , and in such a way that you may grow by My Spirit , and to learn more truly the mystery of the angelic life on earth , My mystery with the disciples , of the same kind of work with Me , My people . Amen , amen , amen .
– I learned from the spirit of Your humility not to take of my mind , but to take from You , Lord , to be Your disciple , to be Your working angel from You , because the mystery of the angelic spirit in man has been staying between heaven and earth for seven thousand years and cannot set down to work , because if the man takes of his mind as he has got used to work after You had made him , and after He had left You for his own mind . The man did not forsake You for anything else but for his mind , which he has used , and when he saw that he lost You for this , he has been sighing bitterly and within sighing , he has buried within himself and no longer found himself in You , Lord , after the man received from You the spirit of life . Oh , now the man has no longer felt bitterly this pain of the losing in his self , because only the man who finds You again in him as You are , only that one knows what Your sighing and his are , only that one has still been sighing after You on earth , Lord of those who are humble in spirit and heart as You are among those in heaven and among those on earth , because with God in heaven is as on earth , and on earth is as in heaven . Amen .
I am speaking with those in Your gates , who learn from Your sighs and theirs the mystery of the angelic spirit in man , the spirit which cries without a home between heaven and earth and in Your disciples , Lord , as it had cried within me all the time , after I knew what the man does before You , and what You do before the man to get him used to the love of the mystery of the angelic spirit , love which does not make the man fall from God and God from man . However , it does not happen the same way with the man ’ s love , which makes the man fall and which makes You fall from man , Lord , for woe to the man without a watcher over him !
Oh , how sweet my life watched by You was , God ’ s Lamb ! How sweet is the angelic spirit in man when the man grows less so that You may dwell in him and in his work , because he does not know to dwell in Your Spirit , because the spirit of obedience to God in man does this . I want to teach those who are Your working disciples today , and I want to comfort them with this teaching , to overflow over Your people then . Amen .