The Word of God in Romania 2005.07.13 - The Word of God at the Synod of the h | Page 3

2005.07.13. according to his works. The light of the Lord comes, and it will reveal all those things that have been done in the darkness. We, the chiefs of the apostles, sent by the Lord, tell everyone that no one can be an apostle of the Lamb but only those that the Lamb sends, and behold, we speak from heaven from near Him by sending and we say: all those who do not serve the Lamb and the kingdom of the heavens over the people on the earth, let them stay and let them not take the work of the Lamb’s apostles, for faith does not consists in the men’s wisdom, but in the power of God, Who is coming now on the earth and is appearing with power by the Holy Spirit to those who are perfect in love. The Lord is coming to look for fruit in the vineyard, and every shepherd, who has became shepherd by its own will over the sheep, will not escape without being called into account for every fruit he has produced or for the lack of his fruit. Amen. And as for you, sons of the new people of the Lamb, you, children of the Lord’s coming, become examples of the Lord’s love in you, and raise your heads to the Lamb of God and ask Him for His kingdom on the earth with you, so that the Lord and all those who walk within His will to be seen at His coming, for behold, there is no longer faith on the earth. However, you should remain strong in your faith, for the reward of the faith is the salvation of your soul. Blessed are those on the earth who do not see the Lord and still love Him and believe in Him and great is their reward, and that will be shown before all the nations of the earth, which do not get up to repentance and to the preaching of the word of life. We, little Lamb, Lord, we have been longing with zeal to separate the light from the darkness and the truth from lie, because if the man does not know, he does not have sin. How- ever, You have always come, and we told everybody that the mysterious wisdom of God is given to those who are spiritual, to those who are perfect in love. We are Your messengers and we preached to the people that You were the Lord of the kingdom of the heavens, which no one of the rulers of this age has been able to know it. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) – Oh, disciples that are sent, oh, apostles of the preaching of My kingdom with the man! Those who have this world as their life and kingdom cannot be My apostles, because I am the gentle and good Shepherd, Who lied down His life for His sheep. Woe to those who make a profit for themselves on the earth on the account of My name among people! Behold, I come with the reward, and each one will receive according to what he has worked and given. The kingdom of the heaven is not that which is lived by those who pretend to be the apostles of the Lamb. The day comes when those things that are humanly on the earth will be shaken and the people who are strong and masters in this age will remain empty, poor and hungry, and their glory will be melted off them as the wax melts in the heat of the fire, and it will be fulfilled the Scriptures that says: «Where is the wise and the lawyer of this age?» (See 1 Cor. 1:20) This day of apostolic feast has been carrying within it gentleness, love, justice and truth, and the darkness of the people cannot comprise these. Oh, My people, who stay under the word of life making within the man, remain in My love! Strengthen your faith in Me and its work full of grace, because soon those who are right- eous and holy with their love and life will be lifted up and will work out My justice and 3