The Word of God in Romania 2005.06.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the D
The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit 2
The Holy Spirit sighs in heaven and on earth. He is the tear of the Father and of the Son,
God’s tear, which becomes word, tear that comforts even if there is no comfort for it but only
pain, for the tear is born from pain.
I am the Father Sabaoth, and My Son stands on My right side, the Savior of the man
humble in his spirit, and who is full of My sighing, and this sighing is called the Holy Spirit.
The entire heaven of saints and angels is near Us, and the heaven is celebrating within a great
mystery the holy feast for the little garden of the word, and the Father, the Son and the whole
heaven of saints and angels has been looking at it, for it is its feast today, of the three feasts
established over it at its sealing with the Holy Spirit, with God’s sign.
Oh, dear Son, this day has been waited by those who are faithful to gather them in it in
the garden of the meeting, but at the work of the book We have those who make Us room on
earth with the people at the feasts of the heaven. Oh, painful Son, the feasts of the heaven are
not on earth as in heaven, even if You taught Your disciples to do God’s will on earth as in
heaven in all the times, for the man has to do Our will, and without man this is not possible on
earth. The Holy Spirit in Us becomes word, and the word is Our tear before the man, tearful
Son, because all My word, which flows thorough You, is tear, aggrieved Son, and such feasts
are among those in heaven, and these are not something else.
You told Your disciples that if You came to Me they would not remain orphans, that
You would send them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter for the disciples on earth. But which is the
comfort for heaven on the earth? Which really, Son Who, like Father, have been sighing for
seven thousands years? If We cry, then is it good for the man to be otherwise? Is it good for the
man to be without the Holy Spirit, Who cries within God? Here it is what the man has done!
He has wanted to be happier than God and he has fled from this sufferance; he has fled from
the Holy Spirit, Who has been crying behind him without comforting. The Holy Spirit cries and
by His sufferance He comforts, and there is no man to know His mysterious face, His limitless
sighing, because the man flees from sufferance and he does not let himself be a dwelling place
for the rest of the Holy Spirit, Who is without a dwelling and without fruit in man.
The Holy Spirit cries above the little garden of the word, which calls the man to life
from heaven, to feasts on earth as in heaven. The Christians wait for the feasts of the new
people, but if they are not as in heaven when they come together, the Holy Spirit cries and His
tear becomes word and no one wipes it out from among those who come together in the days
of feasts prepared with labor in heaven and on earth for the comfort of the man who seeks after
Oh, My Son, I have come with a word of sighing into him so that We and the entire
heaven may be within a mysterious feast of Holy Spirit. I have set those in the gates once with
My entrance and I let My being in Your being, and We come in through the gates. Amen.
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.