The Word of God in Romania 2005.06.12 - The Word of God on the seventh Sunday | Page 4

2005.06.12. son. Take care to live My life and not yours. You all should take care, in the spirit of brother- hood, for the love among brothers does not strike but rather grows within the brothers and among the brothers, then when they live in Christ. Oh, My people, the spirit of humilit y is My dough, and those who are like Me dwell in My heart and I in their heart with My face, with My humility of Son of the Father Sabaoth. The one who wants to take after Me, that one is eyes and ears, staying attentive to Me and being thankful in Me, protecting himself, but no one is able to have this great life, but only God is able to do it through His servants, according to one single order and which is from heaven. I said that the man is not used to a ruling iron over him. He says that he knows too, and that he can too, and he does not make his life according to the pleasure of those around himself. How- ever, the wisdom is a loving spirit of people, and whoever does not have such a work, that one is not wise, but he is rather something else. Oh, sons from the gates, I would like very much to have you as watchmen with more work, teachers with more watching in My people, who listens to Me as I teach it to be, for whoever does not listen to you, I do not pass him as one who listens. Oh, how shall one listen to Me, if he does not listen to you? I set you as watchmen over the life of Israel before Me, and whoever wants to work and be without you, that one is exposed by what he works, by what he does not listen. Take care sons, so that I may not get any wound from the disobedience of those whom we took in our back to carry with difficulty in order that they may be My rest. Take care of My nest of girls from My place called Emmaus. (It is about the monastery of nuns near Târgovişte, approximately 25 km from Pucioasa, r.n.). Teach them to take care, day and night, of My holy nest in which I established them by My blessing. See what is evil there, surround it within a boundary, as you have already worked, but let it also be taken into consideration what is good and what is evil beyond good, for where I cannot rest with everything and in everything, it makes Me suffer, sons. God must be loved more than the man, and whoever wants this, that is what he does, and he listens with obedience in this way. Let it be humility of heart in all the houses where I, the Lord, have blessed for the tiny little hearts nourished by heaven, and with which I have remained from My people that has been hearing My word from heaven for fifty years. Teach those who heard God, teach them not to become haughty within their hearts, for whoever does this becomes sick and puts God out from his heart and loses his humility and his good character and he loses My way and becomes heavy on it, and he also hinders Me and then he will be put aside, because I have to be able to walk, and I have to walk like Me, in a holy and clean way with an obedient people on it, with a people without self-love, but only with love for God. Amen. Now, I am stopping My word and I leave you for peace and rest and for work, fulfilling My word, in order that it may go well with you, sons. Do not forget the love for prayer and for all those that are through prayer upon you and upon the earth. Peace to you! Receive the spirit of obedience in you. Receive the spirit of humility, which makes you holy and loved. Be with a big heart and give to one another good news and pleased to the Lord. Love the holy living, and work according to the exhortation, and have God in your heart, and show Him through your word and work. Ask from one another the work that 4