The Word of God in Romania 2005.06.12 - The Word of God on the seventh Sunday

2005.06.12. The Word of God 1 on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers (of the First Ecumenical Council) 2 Strengthen the path for the Lord to come, children sons. The children are small and weak even if they would love to be able to do more, but their heart is big and very many people have room in its humility, for humility is a spring of love; it is the heart of life, which is not quenched, but it beats believing and loving and wanting like God. Amen. Come, sons! I let you have rest and let us work now the word of the day of today, for I have no other work than the word, and you have the duty to fulfill it because you are God’s sons. God’s sons are those who listen to God and not to themselves and not to the people, and that is why they have God’s word into their midst. This Scriptures of God’s sons has been waited for such a long time, actually it has been waited for seven thousand years to be fulfilled on earth, and it is about the sons of this word in this Scripture: «All the creature wait with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed». (Rom. 8:19) Oh, how this Scripture cries! Oh, how, those who are comprised in its meaning, sigh! Oh, children sons, you should also cry, and let the spirit of your humility always seek after all those who cry by the mystery of this Scripture, for all the creature waits with eager expectation, it waits for the fruit of incorruptibil- ity and it waits for it to come out and to be glorified and to give forth life and incorruptibility over all the creature, which has been waiting for seven thousand years. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) The great ones, son, can hardly have room in themselves with their greatness in them and those things that are really great do not have any room in them, for their have limits and their house is small because of their little love, love that asks for usury, love that does not make any fruit for those that are and will be. And those who are small have a big heart, and everything that is and everything that will remain has room in its humility, all God’s mystery has room in it, in its love and in its waiting, for the heart is a dwelling place without margins either, when it is from God or limited when it is from man. Oh, sons, the heart, which stops for itself, that one is weak for those who are many and that is why it asks for itself, from everywhere only for itself and only for its view, because it is limited and it cannot comprise the entire heaven and earth. However, the big heart receives and gives, and it gives itself over and it receives, and it becomes a spring of grace and comfort for all the creature, which is comprised within it, in its humility, which is its life, its beauty, its warmth, and the big heart is not otherwise, but it is that which dwells in God and which can do everything in the Lord and which keeps the Lord and all His heavenly riches on earth. The big heart fights and it does not come to a stop from its work, from the work of God’s truth, from the work of God’s heart. My heart, sons, in this day, honors the holy fathers of old who have gathered together in a synod that all may defend within one hearth the truth, which reigns on earth through the church, sons, because the truth is only from God and this works by His church; it works from the earth to the heaven, and from heaven to the earth, through the church and for the church. Amen. 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1