2005.05.22 .
means then when he comes to Me to be alive after that . I told to the paralytic man not to go wrong anymore , not to commit sin anymore so that it might not happen worse to him , for sins upon sins , after the man knows them that they are sins , they are the most severe punishment for the man , who gives what is eternal on what is passing away .
The Jews got upset with the one who was healed from his weakness because I told him to take his mat and walk to his house . They rebuked him , telling him that it was forbidden to take his mat on a day of Sabbath , for his healing was on a day of Sabbath . However , he took upon his shoulders the mat of his sufferance , which had no longer been a burden for him to carry , but it was his healing , because I took over his burden , because I did not come into the world to judge the man but to heal him instead , and I came to take over his guilt and I told him not to commit another one so that it might not happen worse to him , so that I might not suffer worse from the man , My people , because the punishment from the man is heavy to Me . Every sin is a punishment for God ; it is My punishment , because I was born to take the man ’ s guilt over to My shoulders . Oh , how comes that the man does not want to take after Me or at least to carry the humility from his wrongdoings with humility ? He has always been asking Me to take it away from him , and I have been merciful to him , I still am merciful , and I have been charged by the man , for the man is not able to carry his punishment that he works for himself .
Oh , My people , I have become very weak in man . I am the paralytic man in man , and this is what I am in man , and I do not find any healing for My wound , but I rather find wound upon wound from man .
I weep for Myself and I weep for you , children charged with My great word , which is born of Me and which does not find any dwelling place and fulfillment in man . Oh , I have much weakness in you whenever I am hurt from the sides in you , for whoever knows Me with you , seeks for My good over them , and they look for their will with you , and this means weakness for you , merciful children , but mercy should be rewarded with mercy , merciful children . However , I strengthen My merciful people to take care of My burdens upon you , and in a way that they may become light and pleasant all the time and that they should work with great watching over their dwelling with Me and over My dwelling with them , and we should be gentle to each other , and to work this out with great humility . Amen .
Oh , My people , I wish that I may have only life , only love , only obedience and fulfillment from your midst , for I have not come to judge between brother and brother , but I have rather come , My people , to take the guilt upon Me , to lift up the guilt , and in such a way that you may live the same between earth and heaven , for we have to make a new heaven and a new earth by the spirit of love by which I made the world , My people . Amen , amen , amen . 22-05-2005
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here : https :// www . mediafire . com / folder / wq5dg275g722d / The _ word _ of _ God _ in _ Romania