The Word of God in Romania 2005.05.08 - The Word of God on the second Sunday | Page 3

2005.05.08. I was a depth of mystery into the heart of My disciple who pointed with his finger to My resurrected body. The wisdom from heaven was his beauty and his faith was that which confirmed the Son of God resurrected from crucifixion. Amen. – I very much miss now, my Lord and my God, to confess You clearly as at that time and to help those who cannot love You with their faith and its works and to tell them that I loved You faithfully and that You knew my secret love, my secret humility and my sweet faith, which I also wanted to settle in those that were terrified by the Jews, my brothers, Your disciples, and that they may sink within Your mysterious being, which was with its body before us in the time when You appeared to us after Your resurrection, my Lord and my God. Oh, I miss You very much to be in man, as I also missed You in my other brothers, Your disciples, and I wanted to prove to them that You were the Lord, Who had been teaching us for three years and a half in order to perceive You, for You were the One Who could not be com- prehended by the man’s mind, You, the One perceived by the man whom You perceived, just I was, my Lord and my God. You entered me wholly when You took me to be Your disciple after You resurrected a dead body to be able to take me to be Yours and to confess You more and more, more powerfully, and to be called Yours, calling You my Lord and my God. My love full of mystery was unfathomable after You perceived me with the mystery of Your being making me then comprehend Your deity by which you lived among the disciples before the cross and then after the resurrection, when You came in to give Your peace and to comfort us, for I was comforted with Your resurrected body, which I embraced with the whole of my mysterious being and not only with the finger, which You took it with Your hand and made me touch the wound of Your crucifixion, my Lord and my resurrected God, and You called me blessed and faithful, meaning a greater blessing to those who would believe and not see You, as I saw You for the faith of many after that. You taught me not to be unfaithful but rather faithful, and that day has been carrying a great mystery, which the holy fathers of those who were faithful called it since then and until the end with my name and all call it Thomas’s Sunday, for I confessed You in that day, and my confession also confesses me and announces my consuming longing by which I wanted to per- ceive You with my embrace after You, being resurrected and coming back from the Father to us, appeared resurrected, and as when You came out of the tomb, the same way You entered to us, those who were locked in the pavilion, through the locked doors, not touching anything, not damaging anything, but coming in and out as from the tomb in which the seals, under which you stayed, remained untouched, and this is how You appeared and confessed Yourself as the Master of death and resurrection, my Lord and my God. Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, My people, great and wonderful are My works into your midst and by which I first announce Myself, for the works of God cannot be otherwise. The mysteries unfathomable by the man’s mind are those that are perceived by the man who is seized by them, and I, the Lord, the one that I want to have mercy on, make him then the confessor of those that are My unfathomable things, My people. My disciple Thomas worked wonderfully on earth and he worked from the earth and up into heaven in the time of My work with him on earth. The unfathomable mystery of his faith, of his work with Me among the people, was great in time and over time, and I advise those, who heard and hear of the Lord of resurrection and of His disciples, to remember the mysterious and revealed work and the confession of My disciple, Thomas, by which the dead were resurrected and confessed My power from My confessing 3