The Word of God in Romania 2005.04.24 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2
the time of My cross. Those who sang to Me «Hosanna!» also cried out then to Pilate: «Crucify
Him!» and I loved those who fulfilled the Scripture of My sacrifice and I asked My Father not to
keep this into their account as sin because of what they did without knowing what they did. My
love on the cross was sweet and painful, for love that has no pain has no power, and I loved those
who brought Me pain, and the pain for them gave Me power for My sufferance from them, and
then, for the love on the cross, at which Father looked and loved, because I listened to Him and I
died for the man and I gave My live to the people.
You will see, My people, the resurrection of the dead, and then you will understand
My love on the cross. You will see, My people, My work with you and through it the new
birth of the world, of creation, and then you will understand your love under My cross, which
I share with you today, loving and waiting for the fruit of the love, My people. Oh, let yourself
be seized by My mysteries with you! Oh, let yourself be overwhelmed by My love on the cross
and cry under the cross of My love, rejoicing over the glory of the love, which suffers loving with
power to make the world again. Oh, My work within these days is great! It is mysterious and full
of patience for the appearance of its glory! Let yourself be disturbed by its mysterious love for the
resurrection of all things, My people. The dead wait for Me to call them out as I called Lazarus
from among the dead and I told him, after I thanked to the Father: «Lazarus, come out!»
“Come out, you, those in the graves!” This is how I will call out through you, My people,
until the dead will stand up listening to this commandment. Oh,