The Word of God in Romania 2005.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L

2005.01.07. The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Lord’s Birth (the Nativity) 2 I am the Lord of glory. Amen. My humility full of glory made Me the Son of Man, a child born on earth, and then grown until My humility made Me bow and die for the man’s resurrection, for the everlasting life of the man who loves to be like God on earth. Amen. The Father’s humility and Mine, this godly work brought Me down from heaven on earth as a child born of the Virgin in the cave of Bethlehem. Wake up, children from the gates, that I may come as word into the book to speak about the humility, by which I appeared before the people as a child born of man, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, Who came as a child on earth to teach the man the mystery of childhood, the mystery of the birth from above, for I came down from above, and I came down from heaven and I became flesh from man in order to teach the man, who is born of man, to ascend into heaven and to come down as a child, born from heaven on earth, just as I was born, by the spirit of humility of the Father, for I have learned from the Father the work of humility, the work of My birth from heaven on earth, My birth from man, to make the man see God then coming down from heaven after him on earth, humbled to the man, to teach the man the work of humility, from the earth and up into the heaven. Amen. Oh, how great, how beautiful is the work of humility of spirit! Behold, children who receive the word coming out of My mouth, behold what a great gift I give to the man once with the memorial of the day when I was born a child among people on earth by the work of the Father’s humility of Mine! I give the gift of humility of spirit to the man, for without this sight the man cannot see himself, and he cannot see himself what he is and where he is and what he does between heaven and earth under My eye, that is making of man. I have come down on earth to make the man and not Me. I humbled Myself, not to make Myself, but to make the man instead; to make the man again, for I made him in the beginning and then he spoiled My work after he had lost the gift of the humility of spirit; he lost it by disobedience and by insubordina- tion, and then he has no longer found it. And if this is how the man has been since I made him, since he lost the humility of spirit, I came two thousand years ago on earth and I became seed in a virgin body and I did not do any harm to the Virgin’s body, for I am the One Who made the man and I am true God of true God and that is why I could become man of man, and behold, only the one born from above can have the gift of humility of spirit like God. Only the one born of God remains in God, as the man who is born of man remains in man, for in order for the man to be in God, this humility of spirit the man cannot find anymore without My help given to the man from heaven, without the man opening himself to Me when I come and knock to teach him about the work of the humility of spirit, the work of the man’s birth from above. Amen. Oh, My people, I have great compassion on you! Oh, My people, the Father has great compassion on Me and on Him as well! I lost the man seven thousand years ago, after he gave up the humility of spirit. My pain and the Father’s is a great pain, My people, and if I have had mercy on you, I have also had mercy on the Father and on Me, My people. The man is deprived of humility of spirit and God cries in heaven and on earth for the man’s departure, for the man’s fall from humility. I have so great compassion on you, people of My word, and I want to strengthen you with everything I have in the Father to be able to have you, and I want to help 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1