The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after | Page 3

2004.12.12. Oh, Romanian people, stay to learn My will before Me. Get out from the bondage of the man and come into My way, for I come into your way to save you. I give you My Holy Spirit to be refreshed within Him, for you cannot be yours if you stay on a land chosen by God. Soon, soon, I will take you out from this bondage and you will see My hand above you, and then you will glorify Me, because you have the sign of the apostleship on your forehead, for you were My first one marked among My disciples of two thousand years ago. My apostle Andrew seals you today too with a spirit of manhood to wake up if you want, or today is a day of mourning on the Romanian land. The sons of the devil 3 struggle to bring under their control this land that was sanctified by My word of two thousand years ago and by the one of today, but they will no longer have many days, for My glory will come down on earth with wrath to cleanse the iniquity from it and all its servants. Amen. It is a day of mourning in heaven and on the Romanian land, but I have ordained for the people on it a day of revival, a day for the cleansing of the unbelief, and I have also ordained to him illumination and victory upon the devil, the cross. Amen. Oh, children, who stay only eyes and ears to Me and to My word! I am consumed with pain for the Romanian land in whose midst I have you as the light of the world. Share My pain and My light over the earth. How the greater is My joy for the memorial of My victory through you on the earth, the greater is My pain that the devil brings on Me in this day, by his struggle to win over for himself the land of My choice, but he will soon know that his place is the crying and the gnashing of teeth and that the place of the Lord’s glory is the land which he tries again to take under his control today. However, I will destroy him soon, soon, him and all his servants, for the time now is Mine and not his, and I will exhort many to the life of the age that is to be and I will pull them from the deceitfulness of the man’s age, and these will receive power and they will love the heaven on earth and the earth will listen to the heaven, and the people on it will see God and will serve Him. Amen. Oh, My people, pray in obedience, pray with fasting, and do not forget that the most per- fect fasting together with the prayer is love in obedience to God. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) I have got children-sons into your midst. Listen to them, for they need comfort, they need joys, and their joys cannot be anything by the beautiful children of My word full of humility and who teaches them the spirit of faith and then the spirit of obedience, the spirit, which makes the man into a beautiful child. Listen to them, My people, for it is not good for them to listen to you, but it is good to be faithful, to have faithfulness, to have thankfulness, to have satisfaction with obedience and to learn, My people, the spirit of humility. I have in your midst those who humble themselves for you. Look at them and do not be big, but rather be smaller than them, for there is no disciple greater than his teacher, My people. If you want to be written as a disciple, you should be as small as they are, and you should not be greater than them, before them and before Me, and you should not be greater than them, for they need joys, they need My love in disciples, and the heaven in them needs disciples with My love in them, My people. Oh, I am the God of patience and of comfort for those who are small, and for those who are great in their spirit I am the God of justice and I am the Lord of humility, for the man to learn from Me the beauty of godly love and to be nourished with it. Amen. 3 Reference to the parliamentary and presidential elections and to the successors of the Romanian Communist Party, who fight to take the power, r.n.; 3