The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after | Page 14
It WAS found in a tomb, in the hand of a Saint, written on a lead tablet, but no one knows
when it was prophesied.
This is what it was written:
“There will be a great earthquake in the whole world in 1740. In 1760 Africa will burn in
fire and Rome will see blood (he, who wants to know about Rome, let him search out in the small
church History and will find things for this, at the mentioned year, the fight of the pope against the
Calvinists, and how much blood was shed). In 1790, God’s wrath will come over the whole world
and there will not be any love. In 1800 few people will know God. In 1845 there will be only one
protector. In 1860 there will come the crushing of the lion, the eastern side and of Austria. In 1880
one man will rise up and will humble the bear of the icy north wind and he will pull out the feathers
of the eagle of Austria. In 1990 the lights will be put out and there will be one flock.”
Making a calculation out of the old years from the beginning of the world, we have the
year of 7490, and from Christ on to 1290*. And now we have, from Christ on, the year of 1900.
We have found written at Greeks, that the icy north wind is Germany, and not Russia, for Russia
is on the north.
* It might be an error of printing. 7498 – 5508 = 1990, that is the year of 7498 from the
creation of the world and it corresponds to 1990 after Christ. Now, after that so many events
have taken place and the year of 1990 has already passed, it is easy to understand that in 1990
there was set a new start for the antichristian era. That is why, it is said that the lights (of faith)
will be put out.
(From the book of “The end of the man” by Monk Zosima Pascal, the Prodomite, of the
Holy Monastery Neamţu, in 1905, page 67, Tehnopress Publishing House, 2004)
A testimony of the Saint Hierarch Calinic from Cernica
(1787 – 1868)
The saint Calinic lived close to us, between 1787 and 1868, and he is the founder of the
Cernica Monastery within the vicinity of the Bucharest city, the capital of Romania, whose abbot
was for 31 years. 11
Abbot Calinic 12 , because he was a holy man, very diligent and with special spiritual graces,
many monks came around him and the hermitages from the island of Saint Nicholas were full, and
new hermitages were necessary. That is why he thought to build a bigger monastery, in the other
island of the Saint Gheorghe. He could do nothing now but start work, but the abbot Calinic was
not sure of this and kept on postponing the beginning of it. What happened? There was a rumor
in the country that in a little time, that is in 1848, many events were to take place, and also
an end of the world, and a beginning of a new world. Thinking about this, one night, coming
back to his little room from the matins service and sitting down on his chair as usually – for this is
how the pious used to rest, sitting on a chair and never lying down in a bed, in that moment he
found himself standing up, in reality and not in a dream, in the other island of Saint Gheorghe,
having on his right side Saint Nicholas and on his left side Saint Great Martyr Gheorghe, who were
admonishing him because he did not start the building of the monastery in that island, for which
he had already received money. Seized with fear and shaking, the abbot Calinic responded: “For-
give me, God’s saints, but because I had read some of the predictions about the future, I thought
Dimitriu K. Skartsiouni Prophecies about the Antichrist, The Ancestral Faith Publishing House, 2003, page
The Archimandrite Atanasie Baldovin, The life and struggles of the Most pious Bishop of the Râmnic of the
New Severin, D.D. Calinic, the Printing House of the Church Books, Bucharest, 1989, in the Romanian Orthodox
Church Magazine, (the year 22), 1898 – 1899, page 1019 – 1020.