The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after | Page 10

2004.12.12. Father and you have not received Me; and that one will come in his name, and you will receive him.” … – Explain me more profoundly, said Epiphany, which is the hypostasis of the ages. – It is their endless extension, that is, the ongoing succession of the times and the end- lessness of the years. Their essence is a very beautiful and wonderful spirit, which is set on its entire span by seven signs (points) (that is, it is divided by eight periods of time). The people and the angels have learned from the ages. And the ages were given by the Lord for their incessant travelling, while He gave life to us and to the angels. Thus, by their incessant journey, the ages have been teaching us to walk in the same manner. This journey of theirs has a beginning, but it has never come to an end. Adam also took this course of ages, but until today it has not been able to exceed the seventh age. It has not been possible because of us, because, like his offspring with the same blood, we are the same with him and our journey is common. And until today the seven ages of this world have not been ful- filled, which we have been measuring by years. When they are fulfilled, the Most High will raise a terrifying wind all over the world. Then the bones of the people will come together and they will join harmoniously with each other. Then the sinews were on them and flesh came up; and each soul, which was unloosed from its mortal body, will receive the immortal one. Then an angel will sound his frightening trumpet 5 and the world will be shaken. The graves will be opened, the dead will come to life 6 in a split of a second and the Judge will come down, Who will give each one according to his works. Then the eighth age will begin, as Solomon says: “Give a portion to seven, yes, even to eight.” (Ecclesiastes 11:2). This age will have no end. The righteous ones will be brought into the unspeakable joy and into the eternal life, while the sinners will be taken for their endless punishment. After the resurrection of the people, the people will become incorruptible and imperishable 7 , the paradise – eternal, the hell – endless, and that age, without an end. The Prophecies of the Saint Nilus of Mt. Athos, (1612-1692 AD) The increasing of the lawlessness When the lawlessness will increase all the evil works and all the unclean things of the world will be gathered together and will be treasured within an unclean daughter of debauchery, which will be a dwelling place for extreme debauchery. For as Our Lady, Mother of God, was most clean before she gave birth and while giving birth and after birth, Most Holy Virgin, and she gave birth to Immanuel, who did not know sin; on the contrary, that filthy daughter, the mother of lawless- ness, before giving birth, while giving birth and after birth, will be a prostitute, unclean and most unrestrained all her life. To this prostitute all the iniquities will be added and she will give birth to the son of perdi- tion. And because the people lack the Gift of the Holy Spirit, due to their sins and trespasses, then all the iniquities of the people will be assembled and will come to life in her womb. And after the birth of the son of the sin, the people will face many shortcomings. First, they will be deprived of love, of unity, of cleanliness. Then, every place and every city will be in want of shepherds, fearful of God, and of faithful proestos 8 ; third, God’s churches will be in want of bishops, of confessors and of devout priests, as they have already begun to be See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n. See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n. 7 See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n. 8 Monk or priest with the highest rank in the hierarchy of the monastery or church clergy, tr.n. 5 6 10