The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the C | Page 4

2004.12.04. longing and great love, that when you come together for joy, that it may be for you a greater building through the teaching you eat from, and to be the glory of My name, a visible glory in heaven and on earth, and as in heaven to be so on earth, sons. I have been teaching you by the sons through whom I let My word and My teaching upon you to pass, and I have been teaching you that there should not be delights among you, but that it should be only one love among you, so that you may be one, and to act as one, sons. I have taught you that your love should be your food and rest and watch for it, for without it there is no power for Me among you; but on the contrary, quarrels of words try to take place among you, and these spoil the spirit of love. You have to lift up the word love, for it is a great mystery, and I give Myself with it to you with My Body and Blood to your life, for My mystery among you, My younger brothers. Oh, you should not walk carelessly with regard to this mystery, for I work with it to your making, to the making of the one who wants to be made, and I cry with it for the one who does not want to be made with My making. Oh, sons, when life is made from Me in man, it has manhood, and especially through hardships, and in whoever it may live, it does not betray the One Who made it in man, but it always die in order that it may live, because love has nothing in common with cowardice, which would try to put on it even the garment of humility. Oh, how beautiful is with Me the assembly of the humble ones, which the saints compare to the assembly of the seraphim, sons! Oh, how much the apostle Paul had learned from Me, the last one called for the building of My church! He let himself be made by Me in one moment when I called him, and he lived fully the day of his making from Me, and he had remained in it, in his first love, and that day had not been separated from him, and neither he from it, and I, the Lord, gave him a greater grace, and grace upon grace I had given him everywhere he was building Me or everywhere he was building the church for My kingdom, breaking down the kingdom of the world from man to replace it with the kingdom, which was not of this world, and for which the man has to become a child. Amen. Oh, My people, the greatest teacher for life is the child, around whom with all love come father, mother, brothers, relatives and all those who see him as a beautiful and a dear child, as an attractive child, as Paul, My apostle was, before whom rulers and kings bowed, ready-ready to receive his testimony about My kingdom, which was not of this world and which was above it. I said that whoever will not receive My kingdom like a child will not be able to enter into it. He, who does not taste of it, cannot be with it. He, who does not taste of the child spirit, has not got any kind of desire after this mystery, which means child-man. And now, I say that he who does not receive Me like a child, as I was born and as I grew up, that one will not be able to be a child, but he will remain a grown up man, who does not know what the mystery of the childhood is, the mystery of life and of its taste. I suffer after every man, and My pain pushes Me to call out after the man, for I suffer from him, and he does not know My sufferance from him. Oh man, oh man, oh man who have come out of the man and have got no making from God and love from Him! You do not have because you have delights, you have got many de- lights, and they are of this world, and they look like it. Oh, you do not know how to measure your love, which you say or feel that you have for Me. Oh, what will you do, when I, the Lord, will show it to you, how it was when I show it to you, how you have had him in your heart, the one near you, who you say that you love him, the one whom you have set in you for his pain, for his shaking, when you will see these? What will you do when I show you how much you loved you, how much you have held your sight dear, as a priceless gift for those around you, 4