The Word of God in Romania 2004.10.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3

2004.10.14. My Mother, the Virgin, is coming down with her mercy, with her cover upon you, over your wounds, and she has always healed them and bound them, for there is no one on earth to do this and she tells you: ‒ I am the mother of the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and who is a mother does not know another comfort but he pain for God. I comfort you with it, children who carry my Son from the Father and to the ear of the people and to his heart, opening their hearts by His knocking at their door. Take the people, and sing with him painfully the song of my Son, a wonderer through the world full of sins, asking the heart of every man for His dwelling place and for its unlocked and not locked door, for the one who does not open his door for the Lord, that one lives in darkness with the things in him and he does not love the light and its wages and it does not become a son of the day, the first day among the days, when God made the light. Amen. I am the mother of the Son of God Sabaoth and I have mercy on my Son, when I see Him so despised, and I have mercy on those who have given themselves over to Him to help Him knock at the gates of the hearts and who have mercy to no crush them, but they rather wait like my Son, the gentle and humble in heart, before the man locked in his own body. Oh, people of godly mercy, my Son has told you to listen to His commands, and He has also told you to know them. Oh, open to Him and do not forget that He has told you that the one who believes in Him does no longer believe in man, and he believes in Him by the confes- sion before Him and before the people, and it is believed through the prophets, for the Spirit of the Lord and the Lord Himself is through the prophets and He speaks to the man on earth, and this is how He stays near the man, and not as the man does not want to know that this is how the Lord stays near him. Amen. And as for you, those under the hardship of the coming of this word, be wise like ser- pents, for great is the oppression for God and for you, and be gentle like doves and work like my Son and as He exhorts you, and do not seek to lead His people to a spirit of hypocrisy. Do not be afraid under the hardships and under the liana, do not be afraid, for the angel of the Lord does not let you alone, neither in the day time nor at night, but the day is hardly seen through the night, sons with your bosom crushed from the Lord’s pain in you. I am a mother, and the mother comes out from pains and is being kept only in pains, and mother means nothing else. Receive a table of word with the people, so fragile, and give it from the Spirit of the Lord in you. And You, Son of the Father’s pains and of my pains after man, strengthen Your walking and Your way and blow power upon them for the people to learn the fruit of the Spirit, for against it there is no obstacle in heaven and on earth. Amen. ‒ Oh, mother, we give them a table of word, but let us also give them the life of My word in them, mother, for if My word does not receive life in them, we break those who are under the pain of My coming, mother. Oh, My people, do not forget what you have just eaten, after you eat. Do not forget to call out aloud to God, but you should learn well to cry, for God and not for you, My people. The Holy prayer in man does not anything but for God in man, not for man, and that is why I want to teach you with the whole word of the day. 3