The Word of God in Romania 2004.10.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the L

2004.10.14. The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Protection 2 of the Lord's Mother 3 I, the Lord, gentle and humble in heart, appear to you as I am, as I say that I am, children from the gates and always crushed within the gates, for you are My gates of entrance into Jeru- salem, when I come as word, to feed it and to strengthen the one with a clean heart before Me and before you, and to exhort the unsteady one, to wait for him, to endure from him, for I am gentle and humble in heart, as you see that I am that that I work. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, sons, who I speak with before Jerusalem! I became the Son of Man for the man to see that God, the One Who made the man, is gentle and humble in heart, and that He is not like man, and how much I would want to make the man gentle and humble in his heart, clean in his heart, for the hidden heart is heavy and still heavier, and I want with My Holy Spirit, proceeded from the Father, to cheer up the one with a heavy heart, because now, in the end of the time, I want that there may be light from God, and everything that means enemy of soul to turn pale, and the people with their souls to walk then in the light and to rejoice over its benefits. Amen. Oh, children in whom I have set My Spirit, My eye, My love, My patience, My gentle- ness and My humility, that I had had before the man of seven thousand years, since the man hid from God! Oh, children sons, I have taught the people of this word, and My mother, the Virgin, also has taught him, and We have taught him the love and its benefits, and We have exhorted him beforehand not to commit the sin of disobedience, because I have told him to read the Scripture and to fulfill it, and if someone thinks that he is a spiritual man, let him know well that what I speak is God’s commandment and whoever does not want to know, let him then not know it. Oh, My people, I come down again with a feast for My Mother, the Virgin, in your midst, and I ask you not to forget the word of life, the teaching, which We have put upon you in the day of the celebration of My mother full of mercy for My word, for My labor of today, by which I have been fighting, being helped by the whole heaven of saints and of angels, to have a faithful people, and that those which come on earth may not crush him for the sins that are on him, and that the people may have My gift as a cover, for the wages of sin is death, and God’s gift is eternal life in Me, the Lord of life, as it is written in the Scriptures. Oh, My people, I cannot guide you too much today, for those, by whom I come to you so that you may not die without My food, are feeble, but I remind you not to forget My teaching, the love and its benefits, which have become Holy Spirit in man, for it is written: «The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. The feast day celebrates the appearance of the Mother of God at Blachernae (Vlaherna) in the tenth cen- tury. At the end of St. Andrei (Andrew of Constantinople) Yurodivyi's life, he, with his disciple St. Epiphanius, and a group of people, saw the Mother of God, St. John the Baptist, and several other saints and angels during a vigil in the Church of Blachernae, nearby the city gates. The Blachernae Palace church was where several of her relics were kept. The relics were her robe, veil, and part of her belt that had been transferred from Palestine during the fifth century. The Theotokos approached the center of the church, knelt down and remained in prayer for a long time. Her face was drowned in tears. Then she took her veil (cerement) off and spread it over the people as a sign of protection. During the time, the people in the city were threatened by a barbarian invasion. After the appearance of the Mother of God, the danger was averted and the city was spared from bloodshed and suffering, r.n. 3 Translated by I.A. 1 2 1