The Word of God in Romania 2004.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 6
physician comes from door to door coming in to those who are sick to give them medicine for
their healing. Those who know what pain is, receive Me, but those who do not truly know what
it is, they receive themselves and not Me, and nor My messengers who changed their face by
the glory of the humility, which comes from the obedience to God in order to save them from
the wrath, which comes upon those who do not know to come to God when they want to come
on the way with humility on it, on the way with the glory, which comes from God and not from
the people. Amen.
Oh, sons, who put Me into the book, I have with Me the child that you are bringing to
memorial before Me after seven years from his calling to Me, for he would have separated
himself from Me on earth, but in heaven I have united him with those who serve day and
night before Me bringing prayers to Me for those on earth. He speaks with My accord and
this is what he speaks to those who had him as their son:
— You should not bring Me to you! Be good, be humble by the Spirit of the Lord, and
let me bring you before the Lord, Who made me to pray for you, for I listen to those who had
always, always sent me on earth to the Lord that I might listen to Him, and they also made my
entrance into the heavenly things this way to intercede for you, and I listen to them, to those
who signed my entrance into those from heaven, when the Lord called me.
I listen to the Lord in heaven, and you should also listen to Him even more on earth, for
it is hard on earth for God and no one wakes up properly when he tries to repent from his empty
life, and there are many among these who do not have knowledge of God as they should, and
this is their shame, because they do not know what the resurrection of the dead on earth and in
heaven is, from the earth and from the heaven. No one knows on earth that there is one flesh of
men, another flesh of animals, that there are also celestial bodies, and terrestrial bodies, and
one star differs from another star in glory, when it is about those from heaven and about those
from earth; and as is the one made of dust, such are those who are also made of dust; and as is
the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly, and woe to those who hope in the Lord only
for their life on earth, for they are to be mourned among all people. However, you should be
awake as it should and do not be deceived, “Evil companionships corrupt good morals!” and
you should have knowledge of God from God, Who is with you, for the resurrection of the dead
is for the man to give that which is mortal for that which is immortal; what is mortal to put on
immortality, then what is written will happen: «It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power,
for if there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body, for the first man was made a living
soul, and the last man was made life-giving spirit, because that which is natural is first and
not that which is spiritual. And as the first man is of the earth, made of dust, so the second
man is from heaven, and as we have borne the image of those made of dust, let us also bear
the image of the heavenly». (See 1 Cor. 15) (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”,
Be awake as you should, for as is the one made of dust, such are also those who are
made of dust; and is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly, and this is how you
should learn the resurrection, for there are many on earth who do not have knowledge of God,
and it is not sown the body that is to be, and that is why the people do not understand how the
dead are resurrected and what kind of body will come, and that is why the people who do not
understand are not resurrected. Let the people receive from you all that I tell you from my
dwelling place in heaven, and let them prepare for those that will be on earth and which cannot