The Word of God in Romania 2004.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2

2004.08.19 .
made the man in order to make him My kingdom and to reign with him over the earth , having the heaven as My kingdom in man , but I could not make My dwelling in man with the kingdom of the heavens on earth and the readers of the Scriptures do not understand what God ’ s kingdom is . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .) However , You have been taught by God , My people , to know what My kingdom and its place are in your body that covers it , so that its works may come out before the people , and that the people may praise God and understand His glory in your midst . But even stronger then the people , you have to know My glory , which you are clothed with and the cloud where the Father glorified Himself in Me with the word , and that you may receive it then , and in the spirit and the power of Elijah to be able to share it to the sons of Israel , so that they may turn with their heart and with their face to their parents to whom I made My promises , and that their parents may also turn their hearts to them to save them , for I have come as a Savior on earth and I stay covered in the glory of My word , and Moses and Elijah are in My glory and I sit in council with them in all My coming , and the Father speaks through Me all His word . Amen .
Oh , children who are My way that I may come on it to My people and to keep its heart , its mind , its body and its soul as the kingdom of the heavens and not as their kingdom ! Whoever wants to come after Me , let him deny himself and follow Me every day taking after Me . Oh , children who fell on the ground because of the greatness of My glory and because of your burden under which you lose for Me the power of the soul and its life in order to save it , to save My people ! Oh , children , anxious and exhausted ! Work sons , within the spirit and the power of Elijah , ( See the selection topic : „ Enoch and Elijah ”, r . n .) for the establishing in man of My kingdom that shines from man , and teach those that I advise about the things from heaven and not about those that are earthly and fleshly , and teach them to spend before Me with a blessed life every day , bringing it before Me according to My will , for the Spirit speaks through the Scriptures about the blessed ones who live together and there where the Lord has decided His blessing . Amen .
The blessed life is the life , which stands before Me with faithfulness , and all of its things stand and are seen , for I said and I say again : “ Whoever wants to follow Me , let him deny himself , take up his cross and follow Me every day , for whoever wants to save his soul for the joys without God and for an easy life and without any pains , that one will lose it in these , but whoever will lose his soul for Me every day , that one will save it .” ( See also Matt . 16:25 ) And what will he save it from ? He will save it from death , sons , for death and its whisper always are at the door of man ’ s heart and mind , to earn the man ’ s soul , but whoever takes up cross , that one should know that it is life , and the life is that which suffers in man , not that which delights in man and for which the man does not deny himself .
Oh , sons who guide My people , the one who denies himself loving the cross every day and not the life made of charming joys , that one does not need much proof from heaven for his faith and for his life under the cross . That one has always lost his soul for Me and not for himself , for it is woe to the one who lives for himself ! And who is able to learn and live every day for Me and not for himself ? He who learns this is the one who has a blessed life between earth and heaven , and it is the one who loves the love that is seen when it is in man . Amen . The man without God , the man without love hides within himself with his own self , but the man under the cross always stays with his life under blessing , and brings any thought and deed before God , that He may see it and know it , for no one , sons , no one can hide without God seeing him . And as for you , keep My people awake and give it a blessed life , to have My life in the sons of Jerusalem , and for them to lose their soul for Me and not for them . Amen . I have always taught