The Word of God in Romania 2004.07.13 - The Word of God at the Synod of the t | Page 2

2004.07.13 .
Oh , how beautiful was My life on earth and yours after you had also received it from Me , My disciples ! The man is not able to make his life beautiful . It is the one that lives in man , and the man lives by it , and not one is able to live but only by sufferance , oh , My disciples of that time and of nowadays ! The man does not feel his life in him but only when his body , his soul and his spirit make him suffer , and then he struggles for it and through it . No one is able to love the Creator of life , that is God , no one among the people who have come out of the people , but only when their life make them suffer . The life , which does not hurt is a dead life , for the man serves with it to death , to the works of the death , which have nothing in God . Oh , how much life , how much spirit of life you confessed from you when you suffered in your spirit , in your soul and in your body for My life in you , for the testimony of the eternal life in man , when you stood on the rock of life before the tyrants of the earth , who lived the death and its works , fighting with the power from above , with My eternal life in you , and who were confessing the emptiness of those without God , without life on the earth made by God !
Now , after two thousand years since I separated the earthly age from the heavenly age and since I passed the people of My word with their feet into the new age , now , at the table of My kingdom with them , I am sitting with the saints and I am giving you voice , loved disciples , for the saints and the angels celebrate your day of synod in a spirit of church , those from heaven with those on earth at the table of the Holy Spirit , Who is pacified at the faith of the faithful ones , which is to be carried as in the end of the time , for now , in the end of the time , I have had faith from those who are My people , and with this faith I have separated the ages , the heavenly one from the earthly one , the heavenly man from the earthly man , and I have sat at the table of Holy Spirit with those who are now My people , the people of the heavenly age on earth , for I have got My work on earth and I have worked with the heaven on earth . ( See the selection topic : „ The end of the world and the Day of the Lord ”, r . n .) I am in heaven and on earth , and it is wonderful this mystery , which I reveal and make clear to those who are little , for the little ones do not know but to believe and to live the eternal life and not the temporary one on earth . I am the word in their midst and I give them life of My life and I give them the gift of the faith from above , for the faith from beneath is human , and it has not given Me life in man for two thousand years . However , the faith from above keeps Me in man and near the man , and the man does not get out of Me , but the lives within Me , as I live in My Father , because I went to be with the Father to draw all people to the Father , so that where I am they may also be , and where they are the Father to be also , because the Father is into Me and I am into Him , and We are one body and one bread . Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , Teacher born of the Father before eternity ! Who among us , Your disciples , those from two thousand years ago , knew the time of those small beginnings ? You , Lord , You , the new Passover , You , Who gave Yourself to us in the evening of the last supper , Who among us knew the mystery , which You broke with Your own hand and shared to us for eternal life ? You were the One Who were imparting Yourself and then You told us that You would no longer eat with us that mystery unless it would be again among the disciples within the kingdom of Your Father , Who had prepared a bride for You , a marriage feast and a wedding table , mysterious God , perfect Teacher Who has sealed His mystery among His disciples . Amen . You have kept everything within a great mystery for Your glorious days , for the last days , after two thousand years , because You spoke into the book of the prophets , and You said through the Spirit for the last days for the whole creature , and You said this : « Come , and let us return to the Lord ; for He has torn us to pieces , and He will heal us ; He has injured us , and He will bind up our wounds . After two days He will revive us and on the third day He will raises us up , and we will live before Him . Let us acknowledge our Lord . Let us press on to know the Lord . As