The Word of God in Romania 2004.05.16 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday a | Page 5
into view. I want you to be gentle and humble in your heart as I am. I want you to be with the
spirit of humility in the being of your sons. Oh, Jerusalem, receive of My Holy Spirit, because
those by whom that I teach you from Me, and not from them, I taught them and I told them that
the spirit of humility is the most beautiful spirit in which I find My pleasure, My love, My peace
and My rest in those who love it and live by it. Ask wisdom from Me in all My things with you
and in all your things with Me, so that all may come out from you according to My pleasure,
My people, and let this be your pleasure and this is how you are to get used to be able to do it
and then to rejoice that you can stay like that before Me.
Those who are alive come from the heavenly things, and the saints and those who are
asleep and those who you remember come as well and rejoice over My feast within your midst.
The garden of the meeting is full. It is filled with the glory of those who are not seen. The
garden is filled with the spirit of the feast of those from the invisible heaven, for these are
covered in mystery, Jerusalem. The angels have sounded and gathered for the holy feast of
the well of the angels in a day of a Pentecost feast, and you should step shyly with a pace of
Holy Spirit, and your heart should be a heavenly dwelling ready for My feast with you and with
all those who will gather together at its joy. Amen.
All and everything has been waiting for you, New Jerusalem, and you should be new,
and you should be new day by day, for I want to fulfill in heaven and upon the earth the Scripture
by which My Holy Spirit spoke and said: «Behold, I make them all new». Amen, amen, amen.
(See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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