The Word of God in Romania 2004.04.11 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3

2004.04.11. which I give to the church from the world and to its servants, that these will burn together with their dwellings into the fire, sent from heaven, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyp- tic fire”, r.n.) because they have been cold and have minded only their own business and have disregarded the fulfillment of My word. Oh, they build in vain in order to gather the people in their dwellings, for those who are their crowd are not My flock, as also Israel did not want to be, and whoever among the Jews believed in My name, were put out of the synagogues. Oh, you who are set among you as the rulers of the church in the world, you should know that you do this with the voice of My mouth of today just as the Jews did, who paid the people to say that My disciples stole Me from the tomb while the watch was still sleeping, although they sealed the tomb. However, I was resurrected leaving My shroud as a testimony in the tomb where I had stayed for three days, and then I went to My disciples and appeared to them, because they were locked for fear of the Jews, and they had no way of stealing Me. I left the seals untouched and I came out as the King of the glory, Who passes without stopping through any gates and does not damage its seals, as the one who gave Me birth in the flesh on earth, has remained forever a virgin. This voice is a voice from heaven, and it is not the man’s thought, it is not the man’s teaching and knowledge, but it is I, the Lord of glory, the Lord of resurrection and of the live of the age that is to come, and the man cannot speak into My name, but he can be fulfilled within Me by the law of the grace and of the truth by which it confesses Me on earth among the people, as My disciples of two thousand years confessed Me from margins to mar- gins, for the faith of many people. Amen. Oh, children from the gates, hear how I speak to My New Jerusalem and to everyone who hear My speaking with it: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Be teachers on My behalf over those who became children and partakers of My Body and Blood, who is the share of the saints, the food of the saints, and also be teachers from Me upon the scholars of the world, for they do not know the way, the truth and the life. You are My little ones, and you have the wisdom from above because you have received grace after grace and truth, because you have loved Me, and I built the New Jerusalem on your faith, and I will spread with it all those that are My elected. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) Learn and always exhort My New Jerusalem, the one chosen from the Romanians, so that there may not be allowed any violations on My establishments upon it and that the way of My help over Jerusalem and My coming down to it may not become heavier. Amen. Oh, My people, it is only I who was resurrected from the grave, because I was the true God, the One coming out from the Father of the heavens before all eternity. No man could ever come to life by himself, but I, the Lord of the glory, came to life by Myself after I had stayed for three days in the grave as a result of My death on the cross when I gave My spirit into the hand of the Father, and after He gave it back to Me, and I came to life with it. God came to life by Himself after He gave His spirit into the hand of the Father on the cross. Amen, amen, amen. My people, you shall sing the songs of resurrection of the Lord of the glory. Let it be heard in this little village of My word the songs of the resurrection of the Lord of glory. Let all the devilish songs be put out, which the world enjoys for the feast of the resurrection of the Lord of glory. Amen. 3