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his cross and denying himself under it as the fruit of the love under the cross . He who chooses his cross by himself is unfaithful and a grumbler afterwards . However , I want to have you as My love under the cross , Jerusalem , and you shall help earnestly desiring the coming of My day by which the heaven and the earth will be renewed through the fire , and the sons of love will receive new heavens and a new earth where righteousness endures , and these as a sign of the love from under the cross over those who love this way between heaven and earth . Amen , amen , amen .
Sons who bring Me down to you ! I will give you a word to My defense , for no one defends Me but only My Father and My mother , and you also can do it , but you are not received . I will mark Myself with the word of My pain , which now the evil spirit is laughing at , and which I , the Lord , ask you to rebuke him with My name , so that it may see that I have you on earth as My merciful ones , of My Spirit , Who is ashamed now by the spirit opposing to God . Amen .
I come down as the word into My book with you , a word against the evil spirit , which laughs at Me pointing that you are guilty ; you , whom I , the Lord , the Victor of the death and of the devil , chose from among those who are My people of today to bring Me down on earth as word and to grow a people for Me in order to have it at My coming , guiding sons .
And behold , if I see that you are not well received by those who cause Me pains blaming you for them , if you are not good and wise from Me , if My wisdom in you does not make any good to them , and they come out from under the cross when I tell them that the love that is under the cross bows down to everyone ’ s feet to call them too under it , under the cross , then I , the Lord , speak to them with My wisdom from the Father and speak to My defense this : it is not you , but I am the One Who has chosen those through whom I come with the food of life to the people . It is not they who chose Me to make them a way of My coming , but I have chosen them instead . This is what I tell you , to those who rebel against them and I remind you of My word that says : « Do not touch these people who are My anointed and do not conspire against My prophets !», for they do not conspire and it is you who conspire by misinterpreting the word of their wisdom , which works from the midst by the Holy Spirit of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Amen , amen , amen .
No one is forced to stay beautifully on the cross , and not even to walk on the road of the cross carrying his own cross . No one is forced by Me to come under the cross , which is heavy to carry , of My coming with food to the people , for this is not the food like the one on the market , but it is like that from heaven , and you , those who look for their mistakes , and lengthen the way between heaven and earth upon them , the way between Me and them , when I give them to put the food on the table for you to grow by the taste and by the grace of the food that I give you , and which is brought by them to you , and each one of you is asked not to strike in them , because My work with them for you and for every man that takes from it is extremely hard . I did not tell you to love them , but I told you not to strike them . If you strike them , you strike them after you blame them for you , and they humble themselves and get under the blame like the true Shepherd Who gets under the cross for My sheep . However , I tell you that the evil spirit comes with round dance and with devilish music , reveling before Me , and accusing them to Me that they are not good and Me that I cannot work , that I do not overcome on My behalf and that everything is on his side and that I do no longer make My way to the people through them , that