The Word of God in Romania 2004.02.22 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 4

2004.02.22. — Lord, I have been crying since the day I went down crying into the dwelling of the dead and I became dust, and I have been crying with a greater pain since the day when you signed My forgiveness by Your crying and by Your blood on the cross, which was shed one the earth, because water and blood flew from Your side, and also from Your eyes on the cross, Lord. The part of Your body that was first pierced is the place on my body from where You took the evil out of me and brought it before me in the flesh. (Eva, r.n.) You brought me face to face with my body, and then I sinned in my body, and since then I have been cruci- fying You in My body and I have no longer let You live in me and I have no longer been Your dwelling place. However, I have been crying now before You for every man that has come out of me, to forgive him and that Your forgiveness may come to me in order to give our hand to the sinners for them to come out of the tombs and from death, Lord. Receive this prayer and receive my bitter crying because I have witnesses between me and You, Your very little ones, who live in You and through You on the land of Your coming. It is not You who cast me out from Paradise, but the sin of my body, which lusted against Your spirit from me when I died in heaven and then on earth. I became haughty in heaven, and I died on earth, according to Your word spoken in Paradise, when You told me that in the day I ate from the fruits of the tree You told me not to it from, I would surely die. And when the day You made me came again, I died in heaven, because I did not listen to You and I ate of the tree and then I was afraid of God because I died and this was my punishment, because fear goes along with punishment, Lord, and I, instead of asking for Your forgiveness for what I did, I hid behind me, behind my body with it, behind my wife, and You saw me hidden and made me come down on earth, as You told me at my creation when You taught me to listen to You. However, I did not listen to You, because I did not see You anywhere but only in creatures and I heard Your voice and I died because of my haughtiness, Lord, and then I was subjected by angels until You judged me in heaven and then You put me down on earth, and at the Paradise entrance You set Your angels with a flaming sword. I remember now my haughtiness from Paradise, which the first host of the angels be- ginning with Lucifer, its chief angel, served, and I remember the archangel Michael, who sub- jected me at Your command as a guilty one for the falling of the Lucifer’s host. He subjected me with great power and he called out to all the angelic hosts speaking to them: «Let us stay well and in fear and let us be attentive!». You were the witness of all these and You were bitterly hurt by my falling down and by the falling of those who wanted to serve my haughtiness against You. Two thousand years ago, You taught Your disciples not to rejoice because the spirits fallen from heaven listened to them, and You told them how You saw them falling when they bowed to me and then You taught them to rejoice because You wrote them into the Book of their Life with You. I remember with sighing and crying of my crying on the day when I went down crying into the dwelling of the dead, and painfully I ask for the forgiveness of the sinners who died through my sin, Lord. It was not You, Who sent me away from Paradise, but the sin of my body that had to be holy forever, because You made me in Your image, Lord. But now, forgive the sinners, who were and who are on earth committing my very sin, and I then I will have the joy of the forgiveness of the human kind and of its raising, and I will fully taste of the mystery of redemption, which came down from heaven on earth in the flesh to bring the salvation of those who have been crying for seven ages for their last salvation and resurrection, for You, the One Who are the beginning of the resurrection of those asleep, Lord 4