2004.02.22 .
who have remained in a incorruptible body between hearth and heaven . ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility ”, r . n .)
I redeemed Moses , the man of God , because He lived in Me as long as he stayed visibly on earth after I had spoken with him from the burning bush , from the cloud and then in the sky , after I had spoken to him and after I had put him on the sea to take Israel out of tears and bondage , out of his selling to the Egyptians , for he sold his brother , as then he was also sold Me later on ; however , now , I try again to release him again from the world , because I took over the human body and I was true man and true God , coming out of the nation of Israel with the body received from the Virgin , as it was written ahead of time in the Scriptures of creation , and then into the prophets : and Israel sold Me to death , and then I died , and then I was raised to life and I appeared to Israel as a true God out of true God , and he has been wandering away for two thousand years and he has no longer been coming back to the God of his parents yet , because he has fallen to the damnation of the money , because he sold his Redeemer on money , Who was sent by the Father on earth to them .
I sent Moses in Egypt to save Israel from the bondage of corruptibility . When Moses was forty years I made him the redeemer of My people , his people , but his people did not receive him in their heart and he did great miracles and with a strong arm he took Israel out of Egypt , and I wanted to establish Israel again in incorruptibility and I sent to it food from heaven and I made its garment and shoes imperishable , but Israel did not want to clothe within life without death . However , Moses wanted this and I made him the redeemer of Israel after four hundred years of its dwelling in Egypt , and I gave onto Israel laws through the angels . And if Israel did not want to take on incorruptibility , I stopped Moses for Me to have him as Mine , and I gave to the Israel ’ s sons , who were born on the way of forty years through the wilderness to Canaan , the land of their parents , Abraham , Isaac and Jacob . Since then , I , the Lord , I have been struggling for the man , for if Moses prophesied to the sons of Israel that God would raise from among his brothers a Prophet like him , so that Israel might listen to Him , I came from heaven and I clothed Myself in a body born of a Virgin so that Israel might receive Me as his God , sent by Father to him .
Oh , it is very hard to take the man again into Paradise , because the man does not receive Me , as Israel did not receive Me two thousand years ago either . I , My people of today , found written into the Scriptures that I had to come on earth as word and to speak with the man after seven ages , as I spoke with Adam in Paradise , and then , because of his haughtiness Adam fell down on earth and then died . And if I had to fulfill the Scriptures of My coming , I have made you the people of God , and behold , I have always , always taught you with My word to be as faithful as the Lord , your God , in love for Him , in deed and in mercy , in justice and in humility , in prayer and in forgiveness , in fasting and in watching , My people , because I have to bring an end to the Scriptures of the redemption of the human kind , the resurrection of the dead , the Paradise on earth and the life of the age that is to be forever afterwards . Amen , amen , amen . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .)
What I do with you and you with Me in view of My justice , you should not do it only to be seen by the people , but you should do them to have a reward from your Father Who is in heavens . You should not boast about your works done for Me as the hypocrites do , who receive glory from the people and remain with this reward . You shall not pray ostensibly like all those who do so , and thus to receive the reward from the people likewise . Do not forget My teaching , sons , for your Father knows and sees before you may ask Him what you and He need on earth .