The Word of God in Romania 2004.01.20 - The Word of God at the synod of the S | Page 3

2004.01.20. saints in this book and all confess God in it and them and you. The kingdom of the heavens is a great work in man and then it has to comprise in it people of every tribe, language, nation and race, for them to reign on earth as it is written into the Scriptures. And this book is My life giving Spirit, My word and My saints’ who have worked along the ages the work of the testimony of the Son of God, Who became the Son of Man two thousand years ago, to become then the slain Lamb, Who washes away the sins of the world in order to draw all people to the Father, as it is written into My word from the Scriptures. Amen. Oh, children who are My gates, always, always teach My people and those who want to be born of My life giving Spirit, teach them what it means those who are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of the life of the Lamb. Teach them to always love the spirit of repentance, and the spirit of prophecy, the word of this life, which prophesies the end of the ages and the visible beginning of the kingdom of God on earth with the people. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) John, My baptizer, waits to enter into My book with you, which I opened and in which I still keep on writing Myself until My great and shining day when all and everything will turn pale at its brightness, and then they will come to life, and this will happen by its brightness as well, children sons. My book is the word, which has a life giving spirit in it, and all who are written in it from the foundation of the world, come in and out from it with the word of their confession on earth. Amen, amen, amen. — I am the baptizer with the baptism of repentance, Lord, and I delayed the baptism after the man’s repentance, and then You fulfilled the mystery of the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire, for that is why we came on earth two thousand years ago, Lord, and we confessed the Father to each other in ourselves and we confessed ourselves and one to another with the work, which we had to do and to confess, for it is written that what it will be worked mysteriously, it will be spoken of from the rooftops and it was fulfilled and it is fulfilled, Lord, the Lamb of the Father. I want to breathe with my word the spirit of repentance upon the people for the forgiveness of the sins, for the people do not receive You because of their love for sin and they do not have teachers to teach them that sin and all its fruits leads to death. The church on earth that says that it is Yours, it is not Yours, because it loves the sin together with its teachers, who do not have mercy either of their soul or of those that are taught by them, for they do not teach them towards Your kingdom, but rather towards the kingdom of the world, Lord, since the people do the works of the devil. I want to speak to those on earth about the repentance of the sins and about the life of the age to come, for the human ages have come to an end and they have been waiting after the age that is to come, the endless age of the saints, Lord, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) for the beloved John wrote led the Holy Spirit that the saints will tell You then: «We thank You, Lord, the One Who is, the One Who was and the One Who comes, that You have taken over the great power and You have started to reign and to reward the prophets and the saints», (See the selection topic: „The kingdom of one thousand years”, r.n.) and Daniel, the prophet, prophesied about the endless age: «The judgment will be done forever, and the kingdom and its reign and the greatness of the kings from under the heavens will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, and His kingdom is eternal and all the dominions will serve Him, and they will listen to Him». Amen. 3