The Word of God in Romania 2003.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the s | Page 3
put to fire the entire lawlessness on earth, so that You may no longer cry because of the man,
for the man, poor of him, does not know that his dissatisfaction does not have any room to You
and does not have any justification before Your face, because You are gentle and humble in
Your heart, but the man does not want to be like You and he does not want not to stay dissatisfied
before You like one who is worthy to be justified. However, we, Your holy angels, by the chiefs
that are upon us, tell the people that the man who is without Your word upon him is a man
without God, as we also could not be Yours without chiefs upon us, without angelic love in us
through submission, Lord.
Oh, what a great mystery is the obedient faith! Oh, sons of the people, the spirit of the
holy angels teach you to be content with the Lord of the angels and of the saints in heaven and
on earth. You should live with satisfaction from dawn to dawn for the man’s dissatisfaction
does not reach to God because it blames and it does not heal. Oh, blessed is the man who does
not stumble against God because of the man who goes wrong or for his own self, because a
man like that, by the works of his obedient faith, will come to the time of his salvation, for it is
not good for the man to flee from God because of his evil deeds, but rather it is better to go with
them before God, for humility and for self-abasement, and through these, for his salvation. The
obedient faith turns the man into an angel, for he who knows God, that one listens to Him, and
no one on earth is able to believe in Him without knowing Him. Amen.
You, Who made the heaven and the earth out of Your love for the man, the things which
are seen and not seen, give the people the love for the holy angels, for Your holy angels have
obedient love, and with it they love You and they carry You serving You as their God and Mas-
ter. Amen. The feast of the angels is welcomed with a sacrifice of love in the midst of the New
Jerusalem, which You made to stay on earth before You. We speak only in a sweet manner to
Your people, for it has to be Your rest, and You with us, its rest. Amen.
The people have got together to bring faith and love to the angels, but we breathe spirit
of Your Spirit full of longing and power over those that are gentle of Yours, who give being to
the heavenly word on earth. We give them the comfort of the longing of God, the greatest gift
of the burning love, which does the works of the obedient faith. We give them the mystery news
of the faith, which obeys and which will not be taken from the man. Amen.
And to those who are asleep (Who died with the body, r.n.), who have waited for their
memorial near our feast, we give them the joy of Your word upon earth and we give them the
love of those who do the work of their memorial together with the feast of the angels, Lord, and
like those who are alive, and like those who are asleep, we also wait for the resurrection of
everything, to rest again, after You will have drawn the man to the Father by the obedient faith
of the man and by our ministering for Your coming in spirit and truth, as You promised, Lord,
by Your word in the Scriptures. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of
the dead”, r.n.)
— Oh, dear ones obedient among the angels! Those in the tombs hear My voice and
prepare for their edification and confession of the life of the age to be, an those who are in
the flesh did not believe and do not believe in the world of the angels, and many do not believe,
and that is why they do not have love. Rejoice sharing with My people of today over its joys
and pains on the way of the new kingdom. The sky of the holy citadel of the New Jerusalem is
full, and it is full with your nature without a body. Receive of My glory from the midst of the