The Word of God in Romania 2003.08.02 - The Word of God for Romania at the ce | Page 3

2003.08.02. and we settled the shrine of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, My judging throne, in the middle of the Romanian land, the white stone on which I have written: The Word Of God, (Apoc. 19:13, r.n.), stone that was neglected by the builders, but for you it has great value, as you were faithful. And if twelve years passed, I rise Myself and call at this mountain the twelve tribes of Jacob and I give them this omen and I announce them My glory and My hand will show itself to My servants and the wrath to My enemies. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) I drummed from margins to margins My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man, because two thousand years ago I said: «Like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus the advent of The Son Of Man will be», and today this Scripture has ful- filled, as the news about the kingdom of heaven travels as fast as the lightning and this news calls all the people under its vine and fig tree, because two thousand years ago I said: «The Son of Man will come with power and much glory on the clouds of the sky and He will send His angels with a great trumpet sound and they will gather the chosen ones for Him from the four winds, from the margins of the sky to the other margins, and then from two men working the land, one will be taken and the other one will be left, and from two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and the other one will be left, and at the time they will not think about, The Son of Man will come», and The Lord will fulfill His word above the Earth. Amen. It was written about this day in heaven and earth, the day of the celebration of the great prophet Elijah, whom I took in heavens with chariot and horses of fire to keep him for the day of My advent which is like lightning. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.) I made him the angel of the lightning of My advent, the forerunner of the glory of My word, which comes with the clouds and it is like thunder, which lightens first, from the sunrise to sunset, and then His voice is heard. I go with him from the margins of the sky to the other margins and I announce Myself in this day above all the Earth. Amen. Let the nations hear and see and let them rejoice and believe in My advent, rejoicing about it, and let them drink from the river of life, which is a gift for the one who is thirsty for My advent, for My word that flows from the New Jerusalem. Amen. The New Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is God and His sons, the chosen ones from the Romanian people in order to make from them a bride nation, and God will make a wedding hall with a wedding table from the Romanian land. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) Take Holy Spirit, you, the nations of the Earth! Behold My word above the Earth, the blow of My mouth, with which I will kill the lawless one with the brightness of My word advent above the Earth. Take Holy Spirit! Drink from the river of life and heal yourselves, you, the nations of the earth, as I came and I come with the clouds to take to Father all the ones who will believe and will baptize in the name of The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit, for repentance, and the forgiveness of the sins. Amen. The angels of My advent, accompanied by the archangel Michael and the great prophet Elijah, write in heaven and earth the second day of August, the year twelve since the beginning of the kingdom of heaven on earth, (The end of the world, in fact the end of the kingdom of man over man and the beginning of the Kingdom of God in the heart of man, r.n.) on the Romanian land, the country of The New Jerusalem. This is the day that God made to rejoice 3