The Word of God in Romania 2003.06.16 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 5

2003.06.16. The spiritual order in you sets among you all the order of those who serve Me through you, and you will find rest for your bodies and for your spirits. Do not forget to be always, always, clean in My dwellings with you; always, always, sons. I have been teaching you this from the first steps with Me and I have been telling you to love the flowers, their fragrances and their beauty and everything that attracts the angels and the saints. Let My teaching be your basic book, and let its work be your life, sons, and take care for it is not possible for you to be all big or all small, but it is possible to listen to everything that is good for your building up and to all that have the grace of the Holy Spirit within them especially among you and for you, and as for Me, too. Peace to you! Give rest to your bodies and spirits! I want to feel My rest in you. I want you to be from abundance the living temples of My Spirit in you, and the receivers of Holy Spirit from the midst, sons. Peace with love for there is no peace without heavenly love, for love is the heaven which is glorified in man and the heaven is God’s dwelling, and I stay in the one who carries Me with My kingdom in him, and I give Myself so that I may be, for I am the One Who is in those who carry Me on earth and I give Myself from them. Amen, amen, amen. 16-06-2003 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: zine.php?UID=M0799222001525607480 5