The Word of God in Romania 2003.06.16 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 2

2003.06.16 .
Peace to you ! And then come back into My book , to finish every word of the feast of the day . I bless you with the food for the body and I bless with you everything that will be Mine on earth and of those who will be with those that are My well-pleased ones , for I want to teach the world to love the life without death , dear sons . Amen .
Peace to you , loved Jerusalem and tired for the glory of the days of the coming of the Son of Man with power and much glory , for I want to take the living water out of you , and to give it always , always , to those who seek for life . Amen , amen , amen .
Now we come back into the book , sons who receive My word . I come to you sons , in a perfect way and that is why the man can hardly understand My descent to you and My work through you , which calls the man from death to life . I told you when I was teaching you to walk on your feet and then to go with Me after the man to draw him to the Father , and I told you that if I was about to go with you in hell , you were not supposed to say no . And I also told you that I will extend the days of resurrection with which I come down to you over every man who serves the hell on earth .
The mind and the heart of the man give forth only to thorns and thistles . The man seeks only after death , and he does no longer know the way of his life to step his foot on it . Take a look into My book with you and see how I fulfill over you and from you those that I have promised that we will do , sons , and you should call good what is good and evil what is evil when I pour out My kingdom over the man .
Oh , dear sons , I could have not worked out the truth over everything that is not good on earth if I had not taken you out of the promiscuity of the world , which the world calls “ church ,” and where I cannot live with My kingdom in man . Oh , the man does not know what My kingdom means ! He has been waiting for it to fall down from heaven in a visible way and he does not know that My life in him is My kingdom in him . That is why I work through you , to call good what is good and to call evil what is evil , so that the man may understand that My house in him is spoiled and God is a wonderer when He cannot dwell in man and when I work through you the truth about evil and about good , and let him who has ears and eyes see and understand this . Amen . I speak My word from the sky over you and I call good what is good and evil what is evil and let him who reads understand . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .)
Oh , help one another extensively for My labor through you when I come to stand before the multitudes with you . I could do it neither two thousand years ago and nor now in another way but only to make those that come to the spring sit down and give them food , sons , and I , turn your little or your nothingness into abundance from time to time and we sit down with food for the body for those who come , and invite them to sit down before My word and My work for the teaching from heaven on earth through you . And I see that you are very tired and I teach you to give the glory of the earthly things for the glory of the heavenly things , and to seek to have more rest and to work , sons , as the Romanian saying says : “ In summer make yourself a sledge and in winter a plough ,” for otherwise you do two works at a time and the time keeps pressing you down and I have always taught you and I tell you that I have put the time under your control , and if I do it so by speaking a word for this , then you should fulfill this word . But you need much devotion with great wisdom , with great love , with great brotherhood , because