The Word of God in Romania 2003.06.15 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 3

2003.06.15. Oh, behold how My church has been being built. It is built this way and not as the man builds it, who makes himself a minister over the church. Church means a miracle of the Holy Spirit as two thousand years ago, after I gave the Holy Spirit onto My disciples in tongues of fire and every soul was full of fear, because there were being done great miracles and signs upon them in Jerusalem and the fear of God seized them all, and all who believed were together and had everything in common, and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, according to everyone’s need, and then they were all together in one spirit breaking the bread in home and taking bread with gladness and singleness of heart, prais- ing God and His grace let upon the people, and the assembly increased in number as the Lord added to it day by day those who were being saved. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) The Holy Spirit is in My word. I give it to you and I tell you as My disciple Peter told those who asked him about what they had to do. And I tell you: repent into My name for the forgiveness of your sins, and then receive Holy Spirit! Receive, for the Holy Spirit is the word, which flows of My mouth over the earth, with power and much glory, for it is great and sweet for those who are being saved through it. Give your hearts to God so that He may make them into heavenly places, the dwellings of the Holy Spirit, for whoever comes is alive and is no longer dead and is Holy Spirit instead, a life giving spirit, a godly body, of which the anointment of the Holy Spirit flows, as it flows out of Me. Amen. Oh, the word that says that “the dead with the dead and the living with the living!” is true. Whoever can fulfill this, that one will look for the living ones, for he will understand what the spirit of the world means and what the Spirit of God in man means, and he will choose the life and will choose the Holy Spirit that cannot be learned and it is not obtained from the books and from the learned and schooled people on earth, but it is received from heaven instead and it is received from God and from those who are like God and with God in their mind, in their heart, in their soul and in their body. Amen. I comfort Myself when I speak to you. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is comforted with you, those who really came to My spring of word. The Father is comforted with Me when He sees Me with My bride from the Romanians, with My bride people, which labors in a spirit of the heavenly wedding for the days of Holy Spirit on earth, for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit want to be revealed with the whole heaven on earth, and let those, which are and are not seen, be seen. Amen. I miss to open the eyes of the man. I miss to remove the mud from his eyes to be able to see God and to repent for the forgiveness of his sins, and then to receive the Holy Spirit and to show Him alive in him. Amen. I comfort with My soothing word those who came from the four corners of the wind to blow from their spirit the spirit of love for this little patch of holy land, in which I dwell and speak over the man. I open up My arms and I embrace them within the mystery of the word by which I embrace them and I tell them: receive Holy Spirit, and let Him be the breath of your mouth and praise the Lord with your heart, with your love, with your mouth, with strings and organs and with sounding cymbals and psaltery and harps, for holy is His name, which everyone that loves Him bears with joy and with the purity of heart, praising God and His grace descend- ing upon the man. Oh, this is how the church is being built and it has just one Creator, the Holy Spirit, Who works like God, for church means the miracle of the Holy Spirit on earth. Amen. 3