The Word of God in Romania 2003.06.01 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday a | Page 2
through Moses, whose disciples they said that they were! Israel was so blind and he said that
everyone that is born with a disease is born in sins and of sins. Who was supposed to tell him
that it was not good for the man to judge in the place of God? Who is supposed to tell the man
if the man does not walk into My light? When My disciples saw the blind man from birth they
asked Me: «Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?» (John 9:2)
And I answered them saying: «Neither did this man, nor his parents; but, that the works of
God might be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him Who sent Me, while it is day.
The night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the
world». (John 9:3-5) Amen.
Oh, Romanian Jerusalem, I have come now, at the end of the time, into the midst of the
Romanian people, and I have taken you near to My spring and I told you to wash in it to be able
to see afterwards. This is how I have taught you to see the darkness of the world, which only
those that see know it. How is the man supposed to give up sin when he does not see from God?
Nothing else means light but only Me, the Son of God, the messenger of the Father Sabaoth.
Amen. I came into the world and I said: «While I am in the world, I am the light of the world».
However, the world does not want Me. Those of that time did not want Me either; those of that
time did not want Me either, who saw the miracle when I spat on the ground and made mud
with the saliva to get wet and then I anointed the blind’s man eyeholes with the mud, of which
I made eyes for the one who had no eyes. The world does not want Me to be its light, but I am
the light of the world as long as I am into its midst. If the world does not see Me, it is judged,
because I said when I made the eyes for the one who had not have any eye: «I came into this
world for judgment, that those who don’t see may see; and that those who see may become
blind». (John 9:39)
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