The Word of God in Romania 2003.04.13 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday o | Page 3
― I will teach those without a law Your paths, Lord, and those who are unfaithful will
come back to You, as I came back and I followed Your Son Who was not overcome by sin, and
Who helped me by the intersession of His Mother at my prayer with much pain in it. Make an
unheard miracle and take the spirit of debauchery away from the earth, which burns in the body
of the man as an inextinguishable fire, a consuming fire in such a way that it may remain noth-
ing from man. However, You, the One Who made the man again at the end through Your beloved
Son, through Whom You built the man in His image and after His likeness, giving him birth
from the Virgin among the people and bearing a human body on earth, and make, as a great
Father in heaven and on earth, make through Your beloved Son Who was crucified for the sins
of the people, make the light of Your divinity shine on earth and on man, the mystery of Your
Son in His coming full of mystery, His word which raises the dead within their body and within
their spirit, Father of the saints.
However, after I have renounced sin, I did not want to see the world in which the sin
burns and every man in it, and I have received the gift of repentance and its tear full of love for
Your Son Who died on the cross because of the sins of the human kind. My body, soul and spirit
has been hurting me all the life of my body for the passion of Your Son in the time of His cross,
and He gave me angels to help to my fight for the love of Your Son and of His saints who had
been fighting like me to renounce the devil and to give themselves to God, the One Who built
them on earth.
I have been longing so much to speak from You over those who carry on their little and
fragile back the heavy way of the coming of Your Son on earth, for You are such a great God
and they are very, very fragile, very much aggrieved, wanting so much for their rest after many
hardships, for You are their burden, which is hard to carry, and You have a people who has
been waiting powers and comforts and powers again from them, and You know their burden
and cry with the saints for their mercy, and within the most perfect mystery You, Father, give
them grace so that they may be able to do what You have to do in this time by Your most beloved
Son, Who has been well pleased with them for His coming, Father Sabaoth. My heavenly body
is knelt with love before You, and I ask You much heaven for them, much victory in them upon
the devil that keeps the world in its darkness. Make them Your light, the light of the world, for
they are in their body. Give the people from the earth grace and grace, by Your people from
now. Make the human kind come back to You and to the love for You and make Your name be
hallowed on earth as in heaven.
Stretch out the tabernacle of Your kingdom over the earth, Father of the saints, and by
Your Son full of the salvation of the world, pour out the waters of life over the whole creature,
but help those little of Yours to be able to preach You from the margins of the heavens to the
other margins, so that You may make Yourself known to the human creature as Lord, from
everlasting to everlasting, and that it may know that You are the Lord. But does the human race
really know what the margins of the heavens are? Oh, Lord, give to the people the book of Your
coming, and let them take and read in it and receive Your light from it and that the laws of
holiness may grow in them so that they may understand Your book, Lord, and that the margins
of the heavens may understand from it. Amen. This is my prayer before You in my day of synod
among Your saints, who intercede with You for the renewal of the creature, for the life of the
age that is to be on earth after the resurrection of the dead and after Your coming, so much
waited, and accompanied by all of Your saints afterwards, in the glory of the New Jerusalem,
the holy citadel, working from heaven and from earth, so that Your Lamb, the Lord, Jesus Christ