2003.03.09 .
Keep away from sexual immorality , oh , sons of the people , and receive power from God to be able to become sons of God , for I tell you a great mystery , and here is what I want to tell you : « I have compassion for whom I will » ( Ex . 33:19 ), said the Lord God . If the man becomes freely God ’ s will by persevering in it , by obedience and by His great and much word through the man when the Lord is merciful and is well pleased with the man , and there is no one to judged a man like that , who makes the light over the world and over the man , because happy is the man to whom the Lord does not keep his sins into account because he becomes His will . Amen .
Oh , sons of God , the Lord has brought me face to face with you , and you are so merciful that the Lord cannot remember your wrongdoings in your life on earth . The Lord is giving me through you the forgiveness of my sin , which has been pressing hard on the entire human kind in such a way that no one has escaped except Him , except the Man born of the Virgin , the Lord , Jesus Christ , the Son of the Father Sabaoth , He Who became flesh on earth in the Virgin , and then He was born and grew until the age of my body made by Him and then , on the fullness of that age , He died for my sin made in that very hour when I ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , and then I knew like God after I broke His commandment that told me not to eat of the fruit of the tree , which God had dominion on . You are merciful like the Lord . His Spirit is in you more and more with every passing day for the resurrection of the creature . Come out of your burdens and breathe over the dead and over the living for all and everything wait for their redemption . Oh , how fragile you are and how hard it is on you ! Oh , how merciful you are !
Take care of them , my Creator , for You have been merciful to them and You have made them the light of the world and the salt of the world , for they have You as word upon them , as I had You in Paradise , my Creator . I had lived for almost an age on earth and I had not got under Your burden , my Creator , and you have set seven ages over the people and their body is decaying and the burden on them is very heavy and they are the merciful ones , those little of Yours , by whom You write with their hand in the flesh of the man the word of the Holy Spirit , the calling to resurrection for all the creature , Lord .
Oh , little sons , I would go on looking at you and I would keep on testifying before the nations of the earth that you are so merciful for God and for man ! Oh , who else is to judge you for your wrongdoings when you have such a great burden to carry ? The burden of the Lord , His coming with His saints in tens of thousands and thousands . Amen .
I kiss this land on which you live and of which I was made by God . I smell its perfume , I listen to the beatings of its heart and no one around you knows its mystery and my mystery in it , and you are in it the Lord ’ s merciful ones , those who are broken by the burden of His coming . You are blessed , you who are broken under this burden , even if you are always , always , always in pains , and because you are so little , you can hardly manage to go on through the pains . The Lord mourns for your weaknesses and I have mercy on you and I have mercy on the Lord , from this bridge between heaven and earth , from among those that are seen and those that are not seen . Soon , soon , the Lord will give a new heart over every man that is on earth , but all , everything starts with you , little children and God ’ s sons , who have been waited by all creature , which has been crying after you to be and to carry the heavy burden of the Lord ’ s coming after those seven ages of the Lord ’ s crying after the man . There is still a little while , very little , and you will no longer have pains , but only comforts , for the Lord works out now at your pains that you have and turns them into comforts for you , those who are so