The Word of God in Romania 2003.02.16 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 4
and not sacrifice? I come soon, and I will pay you according to your deed. And to those who
keep crying to Me day and night to come, I will come to them and I will make My house
with them and I will dine with them and I will appear to them. However, I have already
come and I have done this and I have fulfilled under your eyes the justice of those for whom,
I, the Lord, was long enduring, waiting for the Pharisee’s repentance to come before Me, as that
one of the tax collector, who was calling Me with his crushed heart to be merciful to him.
Oh, why did I have to choose a Pharisee and a tax collector’s name for this parable
mentioned today in a spirit of the church? The haughtiness and humility, these is what I
underlined by remembering of this parable; the righteous and the sinful. The righteous one
does no longer bow to the sinful, and the sinful exalts himself to Me through the crushing of
his heart after the heavenly Savior, and the righteous denounces him to Me for his sins. Oh, it
is not possible this way, because for a sinful man who repents, I leave ninety-nine righteous
people and I listen to the despair of the one who knocks in the middle of the night for mercy at
My gate. Humility is the one, which enters the gate of the heaven, and the haughtiness remains
below, on the earth. Amen.
I would like you, My people, not even for a little moment to stay without any guidance,
son, for I want you to be humble in your heart and to pray forever for you and for the human
kind to come to humility, My people. The man alone cannot see the sin of his haughtiness,
which he covers with his works for his neighbor or with his tithe brought to the altar. The
haughty man cannot see the sin of his haughtiness. The sin of haughtiness is the lack of the
humility of the heart. The clean heart receives God, both from heaven and from earth, and the
eyes of the one, who is humble within his heart and with his deed, see, but the eyes of those
who are proud do not see. However, you should believe what I tell you and not make Me be
wounded from you, but rather you should welcome your neighbor and take as an example the
one who becomes a parable for the kingdom of the heavens before you, for he, who will not
receive the kingdom of the heavens as a little child, will not enter it at all. Amen. Seek to
be a little infant, always an infant, and then you will always receive the little hand, which keeps
you standing for My kingdom, which is of those who are humble in their heart, the same as
those who are small and submit to any good thing, which comes to embrace them, My people.
I want to embrace you all into the kingdom of the heavens, sons, but still it belongs to
those who are small. You should not be great over the others but rather you should be like
babies who have a father and love from the father. Soon, soon, I want to speak to you again
about the kingdom of the heavens in you and among you, for I want all the nations of the earth
to see My kingdom in you. Let yourselves be moldable for it and with it. Be dolls and let Me
do to you whatever I want, and always let your will be always My will, children lead by Me,
lead by God, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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