The Word of God in Romania 2002.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the s | Page 7
Oh, this is how I will speak with My country from the end of the time, My people. My
glory from it will comprise it, and I want that you no longer be anything but My glory on the earth.
I have always taught you to be beautiful, beautiful, and I have always, always told you that the
days of My glory come with you to make you into a great light in the darkness over the earth
and then I will come, for I do not want to come unexpectedly, My people. I want to come as a
Bridegroom, not as a Judge. I want to come with a sweet coming and I want to make the man
used to My coming, and I want to teach him to wait for Me and I want to give him the gift of the
faith for My coming, as I gave to you.
Oh, My people, seek with longing the works of your faith in My coming and give Me to
see that you are My miracle for the sons of the people to see and to believe that I come and to wait
for Me with longing, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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