The Word of God in Romania 2002.11.08 - The Word of God at the feast of the h | Page 3
unspoken, becomes tear between the Father and the Son in the midst of the saints, little and tiny
people and still inexperienced for those that are not seen. The saints have love in abundance to
give you to carry between earth and heaven and for you to be the body of the saints’ love and the
spirit of comfort to each other, the Lord from one in another working in your midst, people of the
Lord’s coming. The saints desire His coming on the earth and the fulfillment of the Scriptures of
New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, from God, according to the Scriptures, which says this.
Get dressed and let yourself be clothed with the spirit of comfort, for the Lord is comfort
and you should be useful to God, little and tiny people. I am the sweet smelling myrrh streamer on
the earth now, and you should be pleased to God up to heaven having the word of life spring from
you fully, my love between Bridegroom and bride, the Lord with you, for it is the time of the third
love and the Lord will become perfect in His coming to you, the earth to know and see that He
redeems a loved people from among the people, and that He will make His coming perfect. Amen.
And now, beloved Lord, receive my gift for I am gifted from You with this sweet smelling
myrrh, the one on earth sprung from my body. Receive my gift and pour it out on this people of
Yours and make a miracle of Holy Spirit, for the people hardly believes that You are this word and
this coming of Yours to them, because the people forget that You said that the wind blows wherever
it wants and You do the same with Your Holy Spirit and speaking over the earth. Oh, if those, who
feel and call themselves great in their wisdom for You, knew how to perceive You and to read well
in the Scriptures and to put them on them as You want, and not as they want, then You would touch
their eyes, their spirit and they would understand the mystery of the river of life; they would un-
derstand that the word about God is one thing and the word of God is another thing; they would
understand that You are always today and that it is in this way that You work if You have a wholly
faithful people.
There is no man who boasts about You and on Your behalf (Priests and all kinds of “shep-
herds”, r.n.) and not miss the ripeness of the mind, which You wait from the man’s faith, for the
man receives Your face, as he says, and when he is to show his face to You, not only to preach it
to the people, he becomes a liar, for the man is not like You, Lord.
Oh, let us adorn Your good and faithful people with all the graces of Your coming to him
on earth, for Your word was great, the word You told to Your disciples when You ascended to the
Father, saying to them: «I am with you to the end of the ages, and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter
will take from what is Mine and will tell you all that are Mine».
The dead wait for Your coming, Lord, and when the proud man on Your name says that
You do not come, he becomes a great pain upon those that are asleep who wait so much for the
day of the resurrection of the dead and for the life, which is to be. They stay and listen to Your
voice in these days and get ready for their resurrection at Your voice, because You said: «those
from the graves will hear the voice of the Son of God and will come to life». Amen. (See the
selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.)
Come, Lord, with us on the earth and become comfort for those who wait for You to come,
for there is no one else who waits f