The Word of God in Romania 2002.10.09 - The Word of God at the feast of Saint | Page 4

2002.10.09. Oh, how beautifully you have to understand all the things of the Lord, and you should not forget them then, beloved! Oh, how beautifully I was teaching the Christians of that time, on whom I had been doing the work of the kingdom of the heavens, saying to them this: «Whoever does not work out justice and does not love his neighbor is not from God, and by this we know the sons of God and the sons of the devil». And we speak to them again: «Let us not love in word only, but in deed and truth, and by this we know that we are of the truth and find rest in our hearts before the Lord, because if our hearts do not condemn us, whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we do the things that are pleasing to Him». (1 John 3:18-22) Put your hope in the Lord, for whoever puts his hope in Him, that one purifies himself, even as the Lord is pure. Oh, it is not because you do not know the truth that I speak again to you of these, but because you do know it and you know that no lie comes from the truth. Oh, what you have heard from the beginning has to remain in you, so that you also may remain in the Son and in the Father. And the anointing, which you have from Him into your midst, teaches you concern- ing all things, and you do not need for anyone to teach you, for this is true, and is no lie. Oh, remain in Him, that when He appears, we may have boldness and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) And now, this is what I speak to the sons of the people and to those who pretend to be God’s sons: do not love the world, neither the things that are in the world, for if anyone loves the world, the Father’s love is not in him, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not the Father’s but is the world’s, and the world is passing away, but those who do God’s will remain forever. Amen. Oh, beloved, how much love I have for you! I would always sit with the Lord near you and I would speak to the people, for the Lord told me that I will speak again to the peoples, to the nations and to many kings. And as for you, pass out of your bodies into the spirit, for great is the mystery of love, and there is nothing from God on earth. But you should pass out of your bodies into your spirit into the midst of the sons of the people and be consumed within you in the mystery of love. Amen. Oh, I stay within those that are not seen and I comfort them and give them of my life and of my heart, for they pass through sufferance, and this makes them beautiful and so beautiful, Lord! Whoever is with them resembles them and takes from their spirit put in them by us. They are consumed with longing in the midst of Your people that has Your anointing in his midst, which teaches them everything. However, I mostly speak to those near them, near those that have Your anointing, which teaches them from the midst, to take of the spirit of their humility, so that You may have angels for them near them for the work of the love and wakefulness for them. Amen. Lord, I have comforted them, I have taught Israel and I have also given to the sons of the people, who have their own languages and their own kings. And if You are well pleased, I, the one who did not put off my body, for this is what You were pleased with, when You left to hide in the Father, I would come to make it clear, as it is written about the times now, so that You may be seen visibly with Your people before those who believe and before those who do not believe Your mysterious word, which is coming with the clouds, as it is written about your coming. Amen, amen, amen. ― Oh, what a great comfort you gave Me, child of My love, John, My disciple and My inseparable disciple! When you were seen by the people and by the disciples, you stayed both with 4