The Word of God in Romania 2002.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the h | Page 3

2002.07.12 .
Now we are breathing the spirit , which is speaking out of us from You , and we are establishing Your people from Your coming . Glory to You , and again we say , glory to You for You started reigning fulfilling the Scripture revealed to the sons of God , as it is written into the Scriptures about the entire creature , which has been waiting for them sobbingly , Lord . And we teach them into Your name , as the ones who were and are Yours on earth and in heaven , and we speak to them this way :
If you have been so much waited for and so much loved in heaven , children of the graces from the end of the time , be His whole measure on earth , and make yourselves perfect in Him , so that He may be perfected in you , and be all in one , with all kinds of gifts that he has breathed into you , so that you may also be on earth His glory from the end of the time , and so that through it , He may be able to work out His coming with all the saints and with the new heaven and with the new earth on earth among the people .
You should also know that not everything that stays under the name of the church of Jesus Christ is church ; it is no longer and it is something else instead , for it is written about the scroll , which flies and gets in the house of the thief and of the one who swears falsely on the name of the Lord , and it will remain in it and it will cut off its timber and its stones . The wickedness is in the ephah , and the ephah is brought to its place , in its house , and it will cut it off . Amen . Soon , soon , Babylon and Sodom will have the sign of the lawlessness on them , for all those , who became apostles without the Lord speaking to them , did so because they were thieves , and their houses are the place of the lawlessness , the place of the ephah , in which the lawlessness of the whole earth is found . You should also know that the Lord , one hour before finding the man of lawlessness , who stays under the name of the church throughout the earth , one hour before it , the Lord presented you as His church on earth , and you stand on the ground of the Lord ’ s testimony , because He proved you through signs and miracles , and no enemy could stand against you , because the Lord took His kingdom , ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .) and from here , from you , He can for Him , for we and for you . And many will read the book and will see and illuminate and will be the guests of the Lamb ’ s wedding with you , and those who are wicked will behave as the wicked ones , for the lawlessness was set into its place and its house , in the house of those who swears falsely on the name of the Lord . Amen .
You should know , children from the end , you should know , little children , you should know to be so wise , as great as the work that the Lord has put on your shoulders , to be able to carry it on earth for His coming . Be greater than we are , for all the saints in heaven stay around you , so that you may be able to do as they all did , and as much as the Lord can , children from the end of the time . Do not be afraid that you are small or that you are weak . Stay under the Lord ’ s wisdom and receive from it and live by it and stay with the Lord , for this is the wisdom , which protects you from any evil . Seek to be perfect disciples , for this is what this time has been requiring from your now , and everything will be submitted to the Lord , if He has you this way . Amen . Seek from dawn to dawn to be the heaven from the earth and put your life at the gates , so that it may be known by anyone who will come to the spring to see and to drink , and then to be able to do it . Give power to the zeal of the Lord in you and in the man who wants to be with the Lord . Give way to the Lord ’ s wisdom in you and among you , so that where you are He may be also , so that you may also be , little sons . Soon , soon , you will be sought after by all the nations for the Lord , Who is with you . Adorn the garden of the meeting and enclose it well with the laws of holiness , so that the man may be able to do through them , children of the graces from the end of the time , and be perfect disciples , little sons . Amen .