The Word of God in Romania 2002.05.12 - The Word of God on the second Sunday | Page 4

2002.05.13. Again and again I write Myself into My book of today with this mystery: the longing after God is the mystery of the saints on earth, My people from eternity, chosen to be My people now, in the end of the time, to make you My path at My second coming as word and body on earth. You should be full of longing after Me and you should shine and burn with longing, for the longing is the light, which understands in man like Me, child of My longings, for all My longing was built up in My longing for you, and the entire heaven does so; the heaven does as I do and waits for you longingly and it wants you to be full of My longing and its longing, My people Israel from the end of the time, from My coming, dear son. Now, peace to you and a sweet celebration with longing in it, for the longing is the one, which gives you life for Me and for you, for I have come to put life on man. Amen. I longingly give you the greeting of the resurrection: Christ is risen! My apostles embrace you all over, and from near Me, they also say to you: ― Chris is risen, and He appeared to us on the first day of the week, and again, on the eighth day after the resurrection, and we testify about this so that the nations on the earth may believe us that Christ, the One resurrected from the dead, is the Son of God, and believing, to have life in His name. Amen. Christ is risen! This is what I also tell you, the one who put my hand on the wounds of His hands and my finger on His pierced side, and consumed with longing I said to Him: «My Lord and My God!». And this is my testimony for His resurrection. Amen. Christ is risen! We speak all over the world from the door of the Lord’s holy tabernacle, into the midst of the Romanian people. This is the Word of God. We, His disciples from then, testify from near Him, and you should know that this word is Christ, the Son of God, the Lord Who is coming, and believing to have life in His name. Amen, amen, amen. ― Behold the heaven and the earth as the word at the table of new Passover. I, the Lord, bless this embrace and announce Myself and greet the human kind, which knows how to be and I say to it: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! And believing, to have life into My name. Amen, amen, amen. 12-05-2002 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 4