not be melted at the fire of My glory . It is written : « God is a consuming fire », but My heart is for the man and I dwell with the man as much as he can bear it . When I was with My disciples , I was worrying in every respect about them to leave the truth about Me so that they may preach it on the earth , but I could not reveal Myself with the glory from the Father , for they were small , as small as you are , for this is the way the man is made by God . Not even the man made by My hand was able to bear My glory from the Father , let alone the man that came out from the man ! My glory from the Father is a great glory , and the man would melt by it . However , because of My love for the man I put on the man ’ s image who was made by My hand , so that the man might be able to bear Me , but I was from the Father and My glory was hidden . When I want to give faith to the man for many , not only for himself , then I work with a great godly work over the man and I put him before Me making him according to My pleasure , and then I give him to know and to give further , or I give him to see and to speak so that I may strengthen the meek from the earth by those in whom I work from My things . This is what I did with My disciples . I prepared them Myself , as I did with Abraham , with Moses and with the prophets . This is how I prepared them and I opened their eyes to see for a little while a fragment of the glory of My body from the Father among the people , for then I was the Son of the Father , Who came through the virgin on the earth . I opened their inner eyes and they saw My glory , the glory of My body , which shined for a little while with its brightness , and they believed and testified that I came from the Father on the earth .
Oh , My people , My work with you is a mystery kept hidden from your eyes . However , I wanted to be with you on the earth and to glorify Myself above you with My word for you and for the man who wants to hear from Me . This is My glory , which is shared with you and which carries you in it so that you may wear it and to give it . And here is what I teach you : I teach you as I teach the small one , to be great in wisdom and to receive as much as I give you , for if you want to take more you cannot bear , for you are small and you are afraid if you take more . Be wise , so that you may receive only how I give you and to be comforted with what I give you , for you need comforting , son of today . I make you hear and listen to My word and to rejoice over it , and I do nothing else over you , for I am God and you are small and cannot bear more than this . However , if you believe everything I do with you , I make you as big as the heaven , and I let Myself be worn by you , for I am as big as the heaven , son carried by My glory hidden from your eyes . Oh , I do not give to make you tired . I do not want you become tired . I just want to comfort you and with My comfort to be able to manage , for the man cannot do it otherwise with Me , for My glory is far too great for the man .
Oh , I cannot teach the man , who receives from the glory of My enemy , the devil , as I teach you . The man who receives from the devil is not made by Me and that is why he receives , and My teaching has no room in that one , for that one hears from himself , not from Me , and that one is thirsty for glory and that is why he looks for glory . But the man who is prepared by Me , does not look for glory , but rather he seeks the sweet humility and seeks to be small under My hand and he stays under the gift of the holy faith , which makes the man God by grace , and this is how I dwell with My glory in man and near the man until My coming in glory . ( See the selection topic : „ The glory of the Lord ”, r . n .)
Oh , the people will not be able to bear with My coming , for it will be with a great glory , and the man is not prepared by Me for it . Behold , the man does not let himself be prepared for My coming , and it will be in glory and it will burn like a furnace , for it is written : « Behold , the day , which will burn like a furnace , is coming ». Then I will change My face , for the man will see Me in glory and he will be terrified , for it is written : « The nations of the earth will