easily through everything that comes ; I take you into My arms , and I comfort you and I give you fresh vigor and I put you within the joys .
I will give you sweet joys on your feast , and I will work them out with you , but wake up well , and prepare the spirit of the feast , sons . Amen . My word is My cradle in which I rock you , for you are small and wounded from everywhere . Oh , you need joys , sons , and I , the Lord , will bring them to you . Amen , amen , amen .
Now I give you so that you may also give My comfort to the little girl who underwent the test from Me together with her entire house . I have into My hand all the good for My people , and I have worked to strengthen her , and she , this dear child for the heaven , understood My help for her house , for My people and for My work . I give you in order for you give further the word of My comfort and health into your spirit and body , as well as much wisdom , for My wisdom finds a fair place in it . It knows how to speak in a sweet prayer with Me , and I hear its advice with Me , for I give from Me to the one who chooses Me . Let everybody in her house be refreshed and always settle beautifully and sweetly within My wills , and let him stay in them with love ; moreover , let it be a spirit of comfort in this house , a working spirit of new man , into My image and after My likeness . Amen .
When I see that the sons of this people are watched out by painful threats , I set to work for their good and I prevent the evil , which comes from the evil spirit , from coming down on My face . Now I have worked with love and I have removed the pray from the way of the evil spirit , for which it was looking out , and the one who is at Me escapes from the lurch of the evil one . I work with great love , sons . And the one who loves Me as much as this little child loves Me , who underwent My test , I fill that one with power to be able to do everything for Me .
Oh , strong little child , Veronica , My child , you are strong because I make you so , and not because you are strong . You should always be this way , and to strengthen yourself by working and to give power from My power to My people and you should not be ashamed to give it , for I work wonderfully , so that you may also mete out justice everywhere you establish it into My name . Get up well now , and work out the happiness from Me over all who are near you and near Me , so that all may be Mine . And now , let us prepare for a sweet feast for those that are in heaven and for those that are on earth , for the heaven longs for a sweet feast . And as for you , daughter of Abraham , you should believe in the promises of the Lord , your God , for your faith is My comfort , as I also had comfort from My good and faithful Abraham . Amen , amen , amen . 12-08-2001
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