have other on earth , for every man asks for him and the man does not remain with Me through his prayer , but he goes back into himself with everything he asks from Me . I have given you wisdom as in heaven , to make the heaven come down on the earth with you , and to always have in you the spirit of prayer , the spirit that dwells with God , the true spirit , which knows what prayer is .
Oh , sons , in all of your labor with Me , be with your word between you and Me on your lips , as I am with My word between Me and you . Each one of you should be in the other one with your word to Me and with My word to you , so that you may always be , and always be in everything . Day by day learn to speak the word from one another more and more , for by this I see that you are one among you and one with Me , and My rest among you will give you great peace , sons , and it will give you the power that I need to have into your midst , and anything you may ask you will receive twofold . Amen . Your speaking from Me is food for you and it has always been My bed with you . Be more and more attentive and great through this work of the holy speaking , for this will bring perfect health to your bodies , to your souls and to your spirits , which do not let themselves be carried on the back , and they become bearers instead , for each one of you need to have full power , sons . If I need power from you in order to be able to work with you , behold , you too need great power from one another , so that you may not be a burden to one another , sons . The heaviest burden is he who lets himself deprived of all that are from Me , for the one who does not give , is the one that is hard to renounce .
Mercifulness is a great refuge for the one who loves it , and the man does not have to stay a moment without it . Give yourselves to each other as mercifulness . Give yourselves to each other with My things from your inner being for there is nothing sweeter than this mercifulness that I ask from you , teaching you to be satisfied by it through brotherly commitment , because the one , who gives himself , has . ( See the selection topic : „ About fasting and almsgiving ”, r . n .)
Oh , children from the end ! Oh , children from My coming ! The one , who is small for Me , has to be carried in the back and the one who carries the small one in his back , that one can do less for Me , even if he could do more . The one under the burden , even if he can do more , he cannot because of his burden . That is why I teach you all to seek My power in you and to become comfort for Me and then to one another , so that you may not be a burden for Me or for each other , sons . And if you say that you cannot , ask , for you need to have and to carry and to be able to work everything that I have for you to bear and to work . Amen . You must work with love everything that I tell you to do , sons , for the love with which you work them will bring to life the hearts of many , for I call the man on the earth to see My glory with you and to take in him the gift of the heavenly life on earth . I want to stay with you every moment , in everything you live , want and work , from morning to evening and from evening to morning . This much I want to dwell with you , for the man without Me near him is something else . But I want you , My people ; I want you to be like Me , for it is written : « We will be like Him ». Crying I ask you not to forget this , because the one who does not forget what I tell him , that one fulfills as I tell him to do and as I give him . Amen .
Let every child of this people ask for himself more than for the other one , for humility in thinking , in behavior and in word , is the greatest beauty of the holy child . Let there not be any stumbled heart among those that are My people , for the working heart for itself and for those around is like that one that gets out to the sides , the same way as it is , not being stumbled in itself . Otherwise the man gets hard for the one near him and stands behind the other one , and the way to haven becomes difficult for both of them . Oh , it is not so on My way . I teach you , children of My people , that I have to instruct every man through My speaking on the earth . And you should take