The Word of God in Romania 2001.07.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the b

2001.07.07 The Word of God 1 at the feast of the birth of Saint John, the Baptizer 2 I am Who I am. I want to be welcomed with bread and salt when I come down on earth to the man, for I am God. I strengthen My path, so that it may sustain Me on it, and I come, for I am the Victor. Amen, amen, amen. John, My baptizer is waiting and looking at Me to come into the garden as word. He wants to prepare My way to come in, for he is My Forerunner, but the saints do not come without Me, because their work is through My word. Oh, there is only sighing from heaven to earth! My coming down has become very difficult, and the saints are looking at Me and they are sighing with mourning and are waiting for Me to be able to do it, for I am the Almighty. ― Oh, good Lord and Lamb, give Me the word beforehand to prepare Your way, for the grace of repentance is the greatest power, which comes from heaven on the man, so that the man may be able to have You, not separated from him, Lord King. Amen. ― May your love for My way to the people be blessed, for you were the forerunner angel over the people in such a way that they could receive Me after My appearance at the river Jordan. Go as the word before Me into the garden, for you sigh from dawn to make My entrance so that we may work and strengthen the watchmen set in the garden and to give them much life in order that they may also give us their hand for My second coming from the Father. Amen. ― Oh, Lord, resurrected from among the dead! When I opened Your way for the first time to the people, so that they might know where do You came from and who You were, You were then the God born of the Virgin and we walked together, as we were born as the same time. I was born before You and You came after Me. You were smaller, but You were the greatest into the kingdom of Our Father, and I was preparing the people in order to receive You from the Father, for this is how the time of old was. And now You are the resurrected God from among the dead, for after I announced You then, for the repentance of the people and for Your appearance from the Father, Who came through the birth of the Virgin, then the people put You to death as a man; the people sent You among the dead. But You came up to life as You spoke of it ahead of time, and the Father testified about You before the people by Your resurrection, Lord, and You proved out to be the King of the earth, for You overcame death, because You were one with the Father, the Almighty. Oh, no one welcomes You with bread and salt, and You are the King from heaven over the earth. No one lays the table, so that You may sit with the man at the table, Lord. The man does not welcome You as a King. The man sits down at the table and asks You to bless his food and to sit with him at his table, and You do not have any bread and salt from the table of the man. You are not given any regard at his table. Only the man and his house eat, and You have nothing to receive from the man. Oh, man, invite a king to your table to eat your food with him, and then see to your food and to your business and do not take any regard to him. What do you say? Will he ever come to 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 1