The Word of God in Romania 2001.06.08 - The Word of God at the feast of the R | Page 2

eternal life upon the man . Why does the man does not receive from Me as well and to be like Me then ? Oh , why the man receives only from man . Why , really ?
You man that read only what the man says and only what the man writes ! Was the man crucified for you that you receive teaching from him and believe so much in him and eat from him so much ? How comes that you are not tired of so much learning which takes from your soul , like the big waters , all that is eternal and true in you and from heaven ? Oh , man , I meet you in your running and search out your being and I see that you do no longer have a being of noble birth . The gathering in your mind had made Me an orphan to you , you man tired of your labor , of your burden . I told you to take up My burden , for My yoke is good , for My burden is easy . This is what I told you . However , you become a giant and carry the burdens on your way , and My way is destitute of people . Your way is not My way . What is yours is not also Mine and you live without life . Oh , how shall I make you open to My knock at your door ? Here is how I open up My spring and call you to come and drink and see its taste and see its truth , for I am this spring . I am this word , and My body is wrapped up into this word and I stand before you wrapped in this word . This word is My coming after two thousand years from the Father , to prepare a bride with it , and to come then down near her in My visible body , with which I ascended from My disciples two thousand years ago , so that I may be able to come back at the time of My coming again from near the Father . ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb ”, r . n .)
Oh , let your hearts not be troubled by questioning this voice , which is My word . I am the Son of the Father God , and as I had power to lay down My life and to take it back afterwards , the same is now too ; I have the power to come down as word before the man and to ask the man an answer for him . Amen . I give life to the man by this word , and no one will escape to give an answer for My word by which I cry out during these days in every street so that those that live in their houses , rejoicing over all that they have , may hear Me .
I have looked onto the earth and I have seen some rich people rejoicing over their wealth and telling to the poor that they do not need God , because they have everything they need . They had everything they needed but they were very poor of God .
The rich are destitute of God , because God is the wealth of the poor , an eternal wealth , and they will rest forever in it , and are not like the rich who after leaving their wealth and ranks go into poverty of life and into weeping and into an eternity without Christ in it .
I called you to Me to give you from My wound . Eat and drink of My wound , as I am hurt by the yearning of the wounded man ; wounded for as long as two thousand years . My wound has not been closed yet . It has become a bosom from which blood flows and not milk . Blood flows from the life of My body , so that the sinners may eat and drink ; the sinners who leave their sins behind them and come to eat of My wound for My life in them . But the man , who gives life to the sin in his own body , believes that he can turn My body into one of his member , one with his body , which sins longing after sin , and longing after love , and harmful to him and Me , and the Scripture says : « Taking the members of Christ , shall I make them members of sexual immorality ».
I was in My body on the earth and the Jew and the scribe would come and test Me because of their sexual immoralities and they wanted to laugh at Me because of their immorality . But I did not know how to get rid of them without being caught by a word that would violate the law of the man . My apostle , Paul , would have been burnt at a stake by those who posed as believers of the church without killing the immorality and its body . Paul would have been burnt at a stake if he did